Welcome, Greenbrook Gators!
Click the tabs above for class information. See what we're learning below!
Decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling):
identifying multiple syllables in a word (example: com/pu/ter)
segmenting sounds in a syllable (example: ch - o - p)
Group A - m, short a, l, short o, h, g, c, d, g, short i, j, k, p, compound words, short u
Group B - short a, short o, x, qu, short e, short i, short u, long vowels in open syllables, ch, sh, th, compound words, magic e
Group C - ch, sh, g, short i, short e, th, wh, ph, long vowels in open syllables, beginning consonant blends, ai/ay, ee/ea, oa/oe, compound words, magic e
Story elements (characters, setting)
Wh questions (who, what, when, where, why)
Retelling (first, then, next, last)
Text-to-self connections (This reminds me of...)
Finding parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs)
Letter formation (on the roof, in the house, in the basement)
5-sentence paragraphs (introduction, 3 details, conclusion)
Time words (first, then, finally)
Editing using the CUPS checklist (Capitalization, Understanding: Does it make sense? Punctuation, Spelling)
Telling time
Telling name and value of coins, counting mixed coins
Addition and subtraction, with and without regrouping
Story problems (interpreting language and deciding which operation to use)
Place value and expanded form (ones, tens, hundreds)
Weather: conditions right now
Climate: pattern of conditions over time
Compass (north, south, east, west)
Social Studies
Migration and Movement:
The United States is a place where many cultures come together.
There are push and pull factors that contribute to waves of immigration.
Individuals can show inclusiveness, understanding, and respect to help foster multiculturalism.
Country research project