What is a bill?
A bill is a document written by an SBHS student that proposes a positive change to our school.

How does the bill process work?
Step 1: You need to have a bill! You can find the template here: Bill Template
Step 2: You need to get the signatures of twenty students in support of the bill. These can either be on paper or digital.
Step 3: You need to find a Student Council member to sponsor the bill. You can find contact info for all Student Council Members on their respective class pages.
Step 4: The Student Council member sponsoring the bill sends it to the Executive Council, who will put it on the agenda to be debated and voted on.
Step 5: The Student Council debates the bill's merits and whether the proposal is viable, the Student Council will then vote on the bill.
Step 6: If the bill passes the Executive Council will meet with the Administration to discuss the bill.
Step 7: If the administration passes the bill, the Administration will implement the bill.