GCS School Counseling

Welcome to the GCS School Counseling Page

Contact your School Counselor, Woody Belt, MA, SB-RPT by:  Calling (802)652-7411 and leave a message in the confidential voicemail box or email wbelt@sbschools.net.

Updates: 3-26-2024

With a couple weeks to go before break, I am focused on our Kindergarteners and 3rd graders. We are exploring self talk, how to support others, and starting to work on our state mandated sexual violence prevention, or Act 1. The kindergarten classes will focus on identifying "uh-oh" feelings, trusted adults, and understanding rules about private areas. We will also learn about asking permission before touching someone (consent) and how every touch gives us a feeling which can help guide our responses. We will be using baby dolls to help our discussions and practicing. 

Third grade will cover much of the same topics with a strong focus on relationships. We will work on what healthy and unhealthy relationships mean and what we could do with the feelings we have in those relationships. We will not be using the baby dolls. 


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