at Home With...

Being at home won't stop Side by Side from teaching, learning or having fun!

Let's See what the SBS community is up to...

Here are some photos, links, and shares to help us to remain SIDE BY SIDE with each other!

Dear SBS Families,

These are unprecedented times that have forced us to adapt to a different way of life--- away from our jobs, our friends and our routines of life. The "At-Home with Side by Side" page was created for the purpose of keeping the Side by Side community connected while we are forced to be apart. Consider this page a fun, non-academic way for all staff, families, students and friends to share with each other. We hope this opportunity to see each other, offer tips, share ideas and stay connected will help during these difficult times. PLEASE feel free to share your own pictures or contributions by emailing them to me at Enjoy!


Mr. Nittoly

week 1: March 16-20

3rd Grader Carly is in the right spirit!

Lilly says we may be closed but we are still OPEN for business!

Ms. Sally Davids is busy planning some at-home science experiments!

This unsettling time is such a great opportunity to build and model resilience for our children.

Here's one of my favorite activities for this:

Explain to your children that each one of us is like a tree. And the challenges we're facing are like the wind which bends the tree.

Trees stand strong despite the wind because of their strong root system (support system): family, friends, pets, their MINDSET, positive thoughts, beliefs, values, etc.

Trees need wind to blow against them because it helps their root systems to grow deeper, which supports the tree as it grows taller.

In other words, the tree welcomes the strong wind because it helps it grow STRONGER!

So similar in life, challenges make us stronger! Such experiences as we're facing these days develop our character and our mindset and deepen our roots.

When we grow deep, we too, stand tall!

Ms. Ashlynn's home workspace looks pretty cool!

"sometimes we are tested not to show our weaknesses...

but to discover our strengths"


Everyone meet Jake. He helps Angelo to monitor SBS' network to make sure that remote learning doesn't get interrupted

Mr. Whalen is ready! Are you?

Ms. Angela is busy helping her grandkids learn at home

Mr. Berich is keeping busy being a teacher and a dad!

"Making homemade pizza is my favorite thing to cook when I'm home" - Mr. Nittoly

Live sports may be put on hold for now.... but there are plenty of great memories and highlights that you can find on-line! Here is one of Mr. Nittoly's favorites!

1st Grade wants to remind you that it is still the perfect time to start seedlings indoors

McKenna (PreK) and Ms. McGowan (Gr. 4) had fun making PB cookies today....

...and even Lucy got in on the action!

Abby (Gr.4) was grateful for a science experiment to make butter! mmm!

Ms. Baldyga has the perfect combo...PJs, school-work...

...and new puppy snuggles :)

Julia (Gr.5) and her sister Laura (Class of '18) are keeping busy w some art work!

Rigby is careful to guard Mr. Nittoly's home office!

Enrique (Gr.3) says he is working harder than his sister...

The Coello's have a great set-up!

...but Isabella (Gr.2) has something to say about that!

Samuel (Prek) enjoys his family walks...

...but being Master Chef Jr. is way more fun!

Ismael (Gr 1) is plugged in and ready to learn!

PARENTS: Remember, The only way this works is if we all make the commitment! Students must practice social distancing! That means NOT gathering in groups at fields, playgrounds, play dates, public areas. Students out in groups can bring the virus back to family members and increase community transmission. We all need to do our part.

The Bisagni Family has their routine ready...

Every day at home starts on the green "meeting mat" just like Ms. Judie does!

Say cheese!

Josh (gr4), Shayna (Gr2) and Max (PreK) seem to be getting along just fine :)

Hello Side by Side! we are still working hard to make sure you have everything you need.

Rob Kelly, Felicia Canty and Iris White

CT State Department of Education

Ms. Mary is the GLUE that keeps us all together!

Looks like Juan didn't get the memo about staying home! Thanks for keeping school clean while we are gone!

Samantha (Gr 3) is an at home scientist

Emma (Gr 3) looks very into that book!

Here is Maddy (Gr.5) working hard in the AM...

...So that she can SOFTBALL in PM!

Here's Jackson (Gr. 4); For gym we went for a nature walk to look for birds.

I love at home "art class" !

Mariah (Kind.) is an at-home Artist!

Leia (PreK) made a bird feeder...

...and is practicing writing her letters :)

It looks like Evelyn has plenty to read!

Ms. Palmer has a great idea...

Sharing work with students from home...


Ms. Iannazzi keeps busy with her ukulele

The QU interns miss their students so much.... but can’t wait to continue working with their co-teachers to teach online!

week 2: march 23-27

Damian (Gr. 1) is having fun w/ Storyline-online

..but is having even MORE fun organizing his pokemon cards !

Thanks Neil!

If Mr. S can find time to exercise with just one arm....than so can you!

Carmen enjoys stained glass painting while listening to Steely Dan!

Ms. Judie has Max to keep her company...

...oh and Carlie too!

Ms. Murphy hopes those middle schoolers are ready to learn at home :)

Ms. McFadden does it ALL from home... including teaching piano to her children :)

Hello Kindergarten.... Esther is ready to learn, are you?

Samantha loves that science!

SBS Upper School Teachers testing out Zoom app ... getting ready for Distance learning!

hmmm... should we plan an at-home all school meeting?

Ms. Jessica is all smiles....

...because she is ready to keep her PreK busy and having fun at home!

A rainy day won't stop Sebastian (K)!

Storm is making sure Ms. Ashlynn is doing her work

Grandma Lilly and Ariana (PreK) are getting ready to paint

Ms. Palmer is the Master of Shapes!

Andy (Kind.) and Summer (PreK) have a full day of home school planned...starting with a walk...

...then snack

... and don't forget Ms. Bourgeois' Art assignment!

What an artist!

Mrs. McGowan and Mckenna having some quality mommy & me time!

Family game night with Ashlynn!

WEEK 3: March 30-April3

Nell's home "SmartBoard" and the newest 1st Grade Intern; Enzo :)

Yay Carmen! It's finished!

Perfect time for Wii!

The Parkins love that home cinnamon toast! (Emmeline 3rd; James 1st; and Gabriel K)

...but now it's time to work

Gabe loves working...

...and baking at home!

Ms. Baldyga's distance learning is very engaging!

Josh (Gr 4) is smiling because he knows the answer!

Samantha is tuned in...

Here is Summer and Andy's science experiment

...and Emma doesn't miss a thing!

Sarah Gr. 7

Getting it done from home!

Ravyn (Gr. 7) is ready for her Math test!

Ms. Adamson is busy...but not her cat:)

Here are some photos of Veda (K) working from home the past 2 weeks.

Cristian (gr. 7) making the best of his own basement office

Dylan is livin' large on the BIG screen!

Keep smiling Zoe (Gr4)!

Sebastian is planting his seedlings. Yay spring!

Family work-time at the Berichs

Rebekah (Prek) is working hard....

...and so is Phillip (1st)

Julia is having fun painting a new a new house!

Ms. Baldyga is all about fractions!

Ashlynn has some quality Sister-bonding time with Strom

Nicole (Gr. 6) is happy to be doing her math

What neat writing!

Tkeyha, Jasmine, and Franny

Sisters getting it done at home!

The many phases of at-home Lucas :)


Pre-K Color wheel time!

Sebastian (Gr.3) has some company!

Pattern block time!

A few words from Officer Holms :)

Ms. Murphy has a guest speaker for her 7th grade

Hey it's Val and her pal!


...and learn with Enrique (3rd)


Isabella (2nd)

Matthew is thankful for his chromebook

Perfect day for science and planting carrot seeds

Here is Taliana (K) doing Mrs. McFadden's dance challenge!

Here’s Veda with a snake she made after being inspired by the moon crater activity.

Practicing letters with shaving cream is the best way!

Mrs. Judie Comin' at you live!

It's throwback Thursday! Here are some past highlights from SBS

Leo and Mickey back in the day! (Check out the retro SBS tee!)

It's Nell, Jimmy and Mickey

Speaking of Jimmy...Happy 21st!



...Leia's moves!

Distance Meetings!

Grade 3 Morning Meeting

SBS Virtual Staff meeting

WEEK 4: SBS at Home- 4/6 - 4/9

McKenna and Dad practicing letters!

Hello Grade 5!

Here is Mr. Nittoly getting his Seesaw message

ready for 1st grade

Today was a great day to be outside! Running with Mr. Whalen....

Iced coffee and teaching w/ Mrs. McGowan....

.... or chillin' in your slippers with Ms. Palmer

Of course...any day is a good day to enjoy the company of your dance trophies.... right Sarah?

Who needs take out?! ...time for some homemade Lo-Mein!

Can you guess this PreK staff member leading the class in a Hokey Pokey dance?

4th grade Wednesday morning read Aloud--

Great job getting to finding a way to finish your book together!

Good morning 2nd grade :)

...And there is grade 8!

If you guessed Kim Osborne from PreK.... you are CORRECT! Thanks Kim for this great video and for putting a smile on our faces today :)

Beautiful day for a bike ride :)

Check out Ms. palmer's lesson on flowers!

Sebastian is always having fun while learning!

week 5: SBS AT home 4/13-4/17

Ms. Kim "made" the PreK class! Can you guess who is who?

Happy Easter Side by Side! We hope you had an enjoyable weekend :)

Light & Rainbows: Here is a sneak peak at an experiment that the 5th grade will be doing this week in Science!

Faustino knows that you CAN be comfortable AND learn at the same time!

Time to learn..... and time to meditate :)

Sarah took an important break to assist the family restaurant in delivering meals to St. Vincent's and norwalk Hospitals

Great job and THANK YOU!

hello 4th grade classroom... we miss you :(

Look what Mr. Nittoly's family found at the beach!

Thank you 1st Grade for the joke of the day!


Cristian and family have been keeping busy!

spring is here :)

The 4th grade recently had a "Kindness" assignment... It spurred Matthew to write a card for the police and look what they dropped in his mailbox! A note and a badge!

Looks like grade 3 had some special guests joining their class meeting!

Area lessons with Mr. Berich

Here are some Kindergarten pics!

Feed those fish Rafy!

Emmy has some beans to plant

Kevin's at-home word wall

Gabi is showing us the seasons

Great work Mariah!

WEEK 6: 4/20 - 4/24

Hello pre-k!

Mr. Whalen presenting to grade 2 :)

Special Thanks to the SBS Upper School students and staff for todays "Town Hall" opprotunity to answer quesitons and listen to student concerns. We miss you all!

3rd grading hearing the story, "The Salmon Princess" while listening for similes

And here's Kindergarten sharing about the seeds they've planted!

Week 7: April 27 - May 1

We need to keep on smiling...

....and working!

I see some great things happening out there

Sebastian loves his art and yoga!

2nd grade shares on tuesday morning

...and 5th grade too

Thank you Sebastian Mayen and family for this kind message :)

Abby is working hard on her Earth Day project and book cover

Check out Emmeline's home office!