About Us

Who We Are

We are the San Bernardino Mountain Search and Rescue Unit #214. The members that make up this team are volunteers of varying backgrounds. We have doctors, engineers, business owners, a variety of professionals and many tradesmen. All are non-paid citizen volunteers. The common bond between all team members relate to unselfishness, personal sacrifices and dedication to help those in need.

What We Do

The San Bernardino Mountain Search and Rescue Unit #214 volunteers participate in Wilderness and Urban Rescue. These individuals train monthly on a variety of lifesaving techniques including rope rappelling, litter hoists and emergency medical aid. The volunteers from this unit respond not only to the searches within Central’s jurisdiction, but participate in mutual aid requests from throughout San Bernardino and other Southern California Counties.

Team History

This document shares how our team and the San Gorgonio team were first formed.

SBMTNSAR History.pdf