
Coming up in Fundations!

Daily review of our sounds will help retain information that your child has learned.

I have added some helpful Utube videos to assist you in reviewing with your child the letter/sound practice that we do in class each morning.

Foundations alphabet:

Fundations: Bossy R:

Fundations: Vowel Teams:

Unit 1- Letter keyword sounds for Consonants, short vowels, ABC order, sound recognition for consonants and short vowels, letter formation for lower case letters a-z.

Unit 2- Phonemic awareness skills: sound manipulation (initial, final, medial), blending, segmenting and spelling short vowel words. Sentence dictation procedures, story retelling.

Unit 3 - Phoneme segmentation, consonant digraphs: wh, ch,sh,th,ck, question mark, narrative story form: character, setting, main events, reading with accuracy, retelling story events.

Unit 4- Bonus letter spelling rule: ff,ll, ss and sometimes zz, Glued sound: all, punctuation-exclamation point and quotation marks, reading with accuracy and fluency

Unit 5- Glued sounds: am, an, reading with accuracy and fluency, proofreading

Unit 6 - Base word and suffix with the suffix -s, pluralization, narrative vs. informational text

Unit 7 - Glued Sounds: ang,ing,ong,ung,ank,ink,onk,unk, blending and reading words with ng or nk, segmenting and spelling words with ng or nk

Unit 8 - Consonant blends and digraphs blends, blending, reading and spelling words with up to four sounds, suffix -s, R-controlled vowel sounds ar,or,er,ir,ur

Unit 9 - Closed syllable concept with short vowels, closed vs open syllables, vowel teams for ai,ay,ee,ea,ey,oi,oy, narrative vs. informational books, reading with accuracy and fluency

Unit 10 - Segmenting and blending up to 5 sounds, suffix -s added to words with 5 sounds, suffixes -ed,-ing, added to unchanging basewords with closed syllables. Vowel team sounds for oa, oe,ow,ou,oo, ue,ew,au,aw. Also, narrative fiction vs. informational books

Unit 11 - Vowel-consonant-e syllable in one -syllable words, long vowel sounds. Sample words: bike, ape, stove, hope, caves

Unit 12 - Concepts of syllable in multisyllabic words, compound words, syllable division words, reading and spelling words with two closed syllables (catnip) or v-e syllables ( reptile)

Unit 13 - Suffix -s, -ing, -ed added to multisyllabic words, suffix -es added to basewords with closed syllables, improving fluency. Sample words: trombones, picnics, boxes, finishes

Unit 14 - Review of word structure and concepts, review sentence construction and proofreading, sample words: blinks, slashing, blended, disrupted, insisting, disputes

Coming up in Making Meaning!

Unit 1-

Unit 2-

Unit 3-

Unit 4-

Coming up in Being a Writer!

Unit 1- The Writing Community

Unit 2- Getting Ideas

Unit 3- Telling More

Unit 4- Writing Stories About Me

Unit 5- Writing Nonfiction

Unit 6- Exploring Words Through Poetry