
Middle School Newspaper-Mrs. Rippas

Junior Falcons is the middle school newspaper. Anyone interested in writing, photography, art, graphic design, leadership or investigative journalism should come to a meeting to learn more. Even if you don't think you are a fantastic writer, you should try it! We have jobs for every level of interest, but we also have fun. This is a completely student-driven club and student staff members decide what is featured, who does the writing, etc. Junior Falcons meets on Tuesdays in Mrs. Rippas's room (204). 

Intramurals-Mrs. Somers

The intramurals club is every Tuesday, beginning in mid-October from 3-4pm. We play awesome games like lightsaber dodgeball, flag football, indoor soccer, ultimate frisbee, and basketball. I supply a snack, whether cookies, chips and salsa, or wonton chips and suck sauce. Both 7th and 8th graders can play! PLEASE JOIN US! **Must have an updated physical form to join***

Middle School REACT- Ms. Orosz

REACT is a community service organization that allows students to become part of the community. The students in REACT will be able to take part in raising awareness for different organizations through the community in our school. Students will also look at the global aspect of community service and partake in activities that will globally make a difference. Here are a few that were done in past years: Adopt a School for Texas Hurricane victims, Trick or Treating for the Troops, Saddle Brook Food Pantry, and Giving Tree gifts. See outside Ms. O's room for meeting dates.

Middle School Student Council- Ms. Orosz

Representatives come up with and host activities for the middle school students throughout the year. They work hard to hear the voices of their fellow students and get their needs or concerns heard by administration. Activities run by Student Council in the past include Halloween Dance, Movies Under the Stars, Dodgeball Tournament, and assisted with field day prep to name a few. See outside Ms. O's room for meeting dates. 

Environmental Club

Known for its welcoming atmosphere, the environmental club is open to all students attending both middle and high school. It offers a friendly environment where participants of all ages can bond while helping every Wednesday to keep the school courtyard well-organized. By joining the club, students gain skills on how to properly weed, garden, plant fruits and vegetables, as well as nurturing the nature that surrounds the courtyard. 

Italian Club

The goal of the Saddle Brook Italian Club is to celebrate and promote Italian and Italian-American cultures. During the year, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice some Italian phrases and expressions as well as experience elements of Italian culture through sports, food, art, and music. Italian Club students will also collaborate with Sig.ra Lapara and Mr. Diorio to help out with the Carnivale celebration at the elementary schools. Members of the Italian Club share an appreciation for all languages and cultures and is open to both middle and high school students. 

H.E.R.O. Club-Mr. Giorgio

H.E.R.O. Club stands for Helping Everyone to Respect Others. This club meets during lunch on Tuesdays to provide students a space to talk about making the middle school a more enjoyable place to be. The students brainstorm ideas and facilitate campaigns, programs, and activities that focus on kindness, respect, service, and wellness. H.E.R.O Club members will work with the Middle School Counselor to provide wellness activities for all middle school students on Wellness Wednesdays. Club members will also organize fundraisers and bring awareness to local and national causes that relate to our community. Student leadership, community service, and promoting a positive school climate are what we aim for!