Elementary report Cards

The Saddle Brook elementary schools have made updates to their report cards for the 2022-2023 school year.  You will notice the appearance of the report card has received a refreshed look. Our Saddle Brook Elementary Grading Legend for standards based grades K-6, report card comments, and our new grading scale for grade 6 courses is linked here.   Below you will find the benchmarks used by elementary teachers to provide students with standards based grading.  The benchmark documents are a series of rubrics that assist teachers in providing an accurate data driven assessment of each student.  A committee of elementary teachers revised the benchmarks during the 2021-2022 school year.

What is new for the 2022-2023 school year?

The report card committee worked to revise the benchmarks to ensure the connection between curriculum and assessment as well as reflecting the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  Students in grades K-5 will continue to have traditional standards based report cards.  Grade 6 students will have an overall letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) for each content area as well as standards based indicators.

What is a standards-based report card?

A standards-based report card identifies the most important skills and knowledge for each subject at a particular grade level.  Student progress toward meeting these content and progress standards is recorded according to the descriptors on the grade level appropriate Benchmark Rubric.

Why switch to a standards-based report card?

Unlike a traditional report card and grades, a standards-based report card provides specific information about a student’s learning, specifically which skills a student has mastered and which require additional time.  This form of reporting to parents offers an explanation of exactly where a student is currently performing.

How often will report cards be distributed?

Standards-based report cards are based on three reporting periods referred to as trimesters: December, March, and June.  Implementing a trimester reporting structure allows students more time between report cards to work with standards and to learn and grow academically.  Although formal report cards will now be sent three times a year, it is important that parents maintain awareness and understanding of their student’s performance.  It is the expectation of the district that teachers will keep parents informed of performance in between formal report card periods.

How do teachers determine student proficiency?

Teachers determine the proficiency level a student has reached by using the Benchmark Rubric for the grade level.  This rubric outlines exactly what a student needs to know or be able to do.  Throughout the trimester teachers assess students using a variety of tools including performance tasks, tests, portfolio assessments, and conferring notes.  This information allows the teacher to develop an understanding of where a student is performing.

What are the proficiency levels on the report card?

The Benchmark Rubric for each grade represents four levels of proficiency to describe a student’s performance and learning.  These categories are:

ES – Exceeds standard means the student extends key concepts, processes, and skills; this student consistently works beyond stated grade level benchmarks, shows initiative, challenges him/herself and demonstrates advanced knowledge every day at school.  This level is difficult to reach and indicates unusually high achievement.

MS – Meets standard means the student consistently grasps and applies key concepts, processes, and skills; this student successfully meets stated grade level benchmarks and is on track with our high academic standards.  This is the level we are working to help all students reach.

AS – Approaches standard means the student is beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes, and skills; this indicates the student is progressing towards stated benchmarks but still needs additional time to practice the concept or skill.

NS – Needs support means the student is not yet grasping key concepts, processes, and essential skills; this is an area of concern that requires support; interventions may be needed to stay on track with grade level expectations.

*The Benchmark Rubrics are available to parents and students as it is important that everyone understands exactly what students at the grade level are expected to know and do.

Kindergarten Benchmarks Finalized Fall 2023 (1).pdf


Grade 1 Benchmark Finalized Fall 2023.pdf

1st Grade

Grade 2 Benchmark Finalized Fall 2023.pdf

2nd Grade

Grade 3 Benchmark Finalized July 2022.pdf

3rd Grade

4th Grade Benchmarks Finalized July 2022 (1).pdf

4th Grade

5th Grade Benchmarks Finalized July 2022.pdf

5th Grade

6th Grade Benchmarks Finalized July 2022.pdf

6th Grade