Tracy Simmons 

 Occupational Therapist

About Me 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Mrs. Simmons provides occupational therapy services for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.  She provides occupational therapy services at Westmoor Elementary, Bluffs Middle School, and Lincoln Heights. Mrs. Simmons graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Occupational Therapy and has been working for the Scottsbluff School District since the 2006-2007 school year.

Occupational therapy services are provided to students who need assistance with fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, and/or assistance with accessing their school environment. Occupational therapy services are also provided to students who need sensory support to access their education.  Students qualify for school-based occupational therapy services under the guidelines of the Nebraska Department of Education Rule 51.

Daily Schedule

Contact Me


Phone: 308-633-1348

For Parents

Email for Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Main Office Phone:  308-635-6230

Remind:  You may call or message via this app/program 

For Students

Email for Student:

