Tori Hoagland - 8th Grade Panther Science

About Me 

Hello, I hope you are as excited about this year as I am!!

My name is Tori Hoagland and I am an 8th grade Science teacher on the Panther team at BMS. I am excited to get to know each of you throughout the school year.  

I graduated from GHS in 2018. I earned my degree from Chadron State College. This is my first year of teaching within Scottsbluff Public Schools.

Daily Schedule

1st Period (7:45-8:34) - Enrichment

2nd Period (8:38-9:24) - Planning

3rd Period (9:28-10:14) - Science 8 

4th Period (10:18-11:04) - Science 8

5th Period (11:08-11:54) - Lunch

6th Period (11:58-12:44) - Science 8

7th Period (12:48-1:34) - Science 8

8th Period (1:38-2:24) - Science 1

WIN Period (2:28-3:00)

Contact Me

For Parents

Email for Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Main Office Phone:  308-635-6230

Remind:  You may call or message via this app/program 

For Students

Email for Student:


Planning Period: 2nd Period - 8:38 a.m. - 9:24 a.m.

Before & After School:  7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.  and 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.