Shana Dick - 6th Grade Counselor

About Me 

I am so excited to work with a new group of students and create relationships with families through the middle school years.   As a parent, you know your child best.  Never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

I graduated with my teaching degree from Chadron State and taught math in Colorado and Bluffs Middle School.  I earned  Master's degrees in Mathematics from UNL and School Counseling from CSC.  I previously was the math content specialist for Scottsbluff Schools.  Through these experiences of working with a wide range of students, I have fallen in love with the challenging work involved in helping students find what inspires them and to reach their potential.  This is my ninth year as a counselor, 20th year in SBPS and I love being a part of the wonderful staff at Bluffs Middle School.  My focus is to help students be successful- academically, socially, emotionally- both in school and in life.  We must all work together to assist our future generation to achieve success.    

My spare time is spent with my husband, Andrew, and our 3 kids.  Our son, Tristan, is 26 and lives in Denver, CO.  Our daughter, Jadyn, is 12 and in 7th grade at BMS.  Our youngest, Jaxton, is 6 and is in 1st grade at Longfellow.  

Daily Schedule

I don't have a set schedule.  Several meetings are from 9:30-10:15 or 1:45-2:30  so I am unavailable many days at this time.  

Contact Me

For Parents

Email for Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Office Phone:  308-635-6281

Remind:  You may call or message via this app/program 

For Students

Email for Student:


Email or Remind are great, I always have access to check messages.  I have voicemail so I can call back when I am available