Medical Terminology 

Class Description

Welcome to the fascinating study of medical language and your adventure in understanding and speaking medical terminology. This is an important part of your preparation for a career as a health care professional. Throughout your career, in a variety of settings, you will use medical terminology to communicate with other healthcare professionals, patients, and patients' families. 

Medical Terminology is designed to develop a working knowledge of the language of medicine. In this class, you will acquire word-building skills by learning prefixes, suffixes, roots, and abbreviations. Utilizing a body systems approach, you will define, interpret, and pronounce medical terms relating to structure and function, pathology, diagnosis, clinical procedures, and pharmacology. Knowledge of medical terminology will enhance your ability to successfully secure employment or pursue advanced education in health science.

Class Syllabus

Medical Terminology (HLTH-1060)

Student Google Classroom Information

Class period 2: Invite Link click on link

Class period 4Invite Link click on link

Parent Google Classroom Information

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