6th Grade Beginning Band

This is a second opportunity for Scottsbluff students to join the band program. The sixth grade beginning band program is available to those sixth grade students who did not join band in their fifth grade year. The class is held Monday through Friday during the school day for the first semester. If the students choose to do so, they then join the sixth grade concert band at the beginning of the second semester. The students will also join the sixth grade concert band for their Holiday Concert in December.


The students that were in 8th period Beginning Band during 1st Semester are now in the 3rd period 6th Grade Band class. Please reference the 6th Grade Band page for their assignments and other information.

Online Music Theory  

Note Identification Instructions


AT HOME PREPARATION: A students progress in band will depend on what is achieved during daily home practice sessions. Learning takes place at school, but proficiency is gained at home.

***Reminder: Your REQUIRED practice sheets are DUE each MONDAY (or the first day of the week).

To download, please click on BMS Band Practice Record below. 

BMS Band Practice Record