BOBs at Rest

March 19-23

Curiosity, Courage and



March 19-23

This OBnB website contains links to everything you will need to help prepare your student for a successful journey: important dates, waivers, itineraries and equipment lists. Please familiarize yourself with this site and visit it often with your student to make sure you are well prepared!

Check out video from BikesnBOBs 2018! (disclaimer: It was a little rainy!)

Trip Wrap Up

by Marco Andrade

"Oh, I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain."

James Taylor

Dear SBMS 7th Grade Family,

It goes without saying that this year has been one "Dragon Quest" after another, filled with challenges beyond our imagination. In education, resiliency is a big buzz word these days. Schools everywhere are doing their best to cultivate self confidence and tenacity in their students in so many different ways. 40 years ago, SBMS committed itself to always attending the class of the greatest teacher of resilience, Mother Nature, and in this regard she offered up an AP Master Class all week!!

Your students put their trust in our experience that this trip was going to be one for the books, that they would learn more about themselves than they thought possible and return stronger than before. We feel confident that that is exactly what took place given that the lessons were iconic and deeply powerful. We saw real life problem solving, conflict resolution, and emotional courage on a survival level that could never be scaffolded in a classroom other than an open field under 5 inches of rain! Make no mistake. These "Dragoneers" rose to challenge after challenge with curiosity, courage and a spirit of change seen only on the mightiest of SBMS trips.

Now what? Now what happens after the clouds move out, the ground dries up and the memories begin to fade?

Now is when we must remember. We must remember to reach out and help a new friend weather the storms ahead. We must bring back those shelters we built of branches and mud for our friends needing a place to stay dry. We must provide stakes for our tents that are folding up in the rain. We must lay bails of hay over soggy bogs so our friend's shoes don't get soaked in mud. We must remember to care, to be kind, to reach out and to offer shelter from the storm. There will always be fire and rain as we travel along. So we take the hand stretched out to us, and we look for the times we can stretch out ours.

With Love and Gratitude,

Marco and the Intrepid Crew of Bikes and BOBs 2018