Equipment List

We will cover the equipment list in detail during one of the prep classes. If you have questions please feel free to email

Backpacking students must have sturdy hiking shoes with good tread. There is a selection of used hiking boots to borrow in the SBMS Warehouse, if anyone would like to see them and try them on. We also recommend bringing an additional pair of lightweight camp shoes. Slip on sandals that you can wear socks with is a good option.

Santa Barbara Middle School CATALINA Backpacking Trip EQUIPMENT LIST

Everything listed below is required unless it is labeled "Optional".

Everything you bring must fit into your backpack. This is a VERY precise list, follow it exactly.

You and your tenting partner/s will share carrying your tent. Split the weight between you.

WH=SBMS Warehouse (SBMS trip equipment store) carries these items for your convenience.

o External (5 lbs) or Internal (7 lbs) Frame Backpack with well padded hip & shoulder pads.

**SBMS will provide a backpack if you do not have one

o Containers for 2 liters of water (WH)

(The SBMS Warehouse has light weight backpacking water bottles.) (Water weighs 2 lbs./liter)

For Torso and Legs: To stay warm, dress in LAYERS: (All listed weights follow.)

For Torso: DO NOT bring Cotton. Cotton makes you cold when it gets wet. “Cotton Kills”

Shirts: ALL polypropylene, polyester, nylon or capilene. (WH)

o 1 long sleeved shirt (long underwear top) for layering – must be synthetic, not cotton.

(synthetic: nylon, polyester, capilene, polypropylene) (8 oz each) (WH)

o 1 long sleeved fleece layer (12 oz.) (WH)

o 2 short sleeve synthetic shirts - wear one, carry one. (WH)

o 2 bras for girls

o A Synthetic or Down Jacket (1 lb) (WH)

OR: A WARMER fleece (1.5 lbs) (WH) & A Synthetic or Down Vest (12 oz)

o A water-proofed shell with hood. (SBMS Rain Gear Jacket) (1 pound) (WH)

For Legs: DO NOT bring Cotton.

o 3 pair nylon undies (wear one, carry two)

o 1 pair nylon, quick-dry shorts (wash on layover days)

o 1 pair of polypropylene, capilene or silk long-johns (8 oz) (WH)

o 1 pair of quick-dry long pants (Light weight, nylon) (6-16 oz)

o 1 pair water-proofed rain pants (SBMS Rain Gear Pants) (12 oz.) (WH)

For Feet: DO NOT bring Cotton socks.

o 1 pair hiking shoes (well worn in)

o 1 pair of wool camp socks (2 oz) (WH)

o 2 pair thick hiking socks (Smart Wool ‘Trekking’ recommended) (WH)

o 1 lightweight camp shoes or sandals (Example: light weight slip on sandals)

o Moleskin / blister band aids for blisters (WH)

o 2 heavy zip lock bags to put over socks in the mornings to keep socks dry.

Optional Items:

o Disposable camera (the most light weight)

o Tiny sewing/repair kit for tent and Thermarest pads

o A swim suit for bathing in outside showers

For Extremities:

o WARM gloves or mittens (Wool or fleece) (2 oz) (WH)

o WARM cap (Wool or fleece) (2 oz) (WH)

o Sun Hat (wear while hiking to prevent sunburn) (WH)

o Bandana: When dry it keeps you warm, When wet, it cools you down. (WH)

Sleeping bag, Sleeping Pad, Tent, (poles, stakes, tie-down chord) Ground cloth:

o 1-4 person water-proofed Tent. Name. Share weight w/ partner. (4 lbs each max) (WH)

o All Poles, Stakes & Tie-Down chord.

o Ground Cloth: Must not stick out from under the tent. (Name) (WH)

o WARM Sleeping bag in stuff sack. (0 degree rating) (4 lbs. maximum) (WH)

o Compression Stuff Sacks for sleeping bags are available in (WH)

o Sleeping Pad (Name). Insulates sleeper from the cold ground. (1 lb, 10 oz) (WH)

o Compression Straps: For attaching tent, sleeping bag and sleep pad on pack frame. (WH) (already on the SBMS packs)


Masks (multiple)

o Small flashlight/headlamp (WH) (Name)

o 1 Extra set of batteries for your Headlamp (8 oz)

o 2 small Kleenex packets for Toilet Paper.

o Toothbrush (tiny size) & tiny travel Toothpaste (opt.– can get along w/o toothpaste)

o Comb or tiny Brush

o Pack Towel – lightweight, chamois-type towel (4 oz) (WH)

o 1 packet of No-Rinse body wipes. (WH)

o Deodorant - smallest possible size – but important!

o Stocked Personal First Aid Kit (includes tiny sun screen) (WH) *We make basic kits in trip prep!

o Chap Stick (Lip Protector)

o Whistle (WH)

o Insect Repellent (small container)

o Anti itching ointment (small container) for insect bites or poison oak

o Any personal medications (tell trip teacher.)

o Sun Glasses and strap (Name)

o Pen & Paper for journaling at quiet time

o Something of yourself to share with the group.

o Leave your watch at home – we’ll go by our body clocks!

Plastic Bags:

o 1 Freezer Zip-lock bags for trash carry out. Store with lunch food.

o Sturdy hefty bag for lining the inside of backpack incase of rain.

o X-large Hefty bag to cover back pack each night. (It WILL be wet, dewey every night)

o One plastic bag to cover sleeping bag in case of rain. (ALWAYS count on rain!)

(You can store this INSIDE sleeping bag stuff sack as a liner.)

Cooking and Eating Equipment and Food.

o Each student will be in a cook group of 1, 2 or 3 - their choice.

o Spoon & fork with water-proofed name on it (Use nail polish or waterproofed ink) (WH)

o Bowl and cup with water-proofed name on each (Use nail polish) (12 oz total) (WH)

o Put lightweight eating equipment in a separate stuff sack with your name on it. (WH)

o Lightweight containers for 2 quarts of water (2 oz.) (WH)

The following items must be divided among the students in the group:

o Light weight backpacking stove (to share with cook group.) (10 oz) (We provide)

o Fuel for stove. (We provide and will pick up our fuel ON Catalina Island.)

o 1 Light weight 1.5 qt pot with lid - per cook group of 1-3 students. (10 oz) (WH)

o Tiny lighter for stove lighting (we suggest: mini bic)

o 1/2 scrubbie and q biodegradable liquid soap for dishes, clothes and shampoo.

o Dr. Bronners (WH) or Camp Suds - should be carried in a tiny container. (WH)

o Nylon chord for hanging food at night. (WH) (only need 20 feet – cut and burn edges.)

o All of your breakfasts, lunches and snacks. (Total food weight of: 1 1/4 pounds per day.)

o The dinner (or dinners) you will be responsible for cooking for your cook group. (WH)

o Bring $20.00 for meals out in Avalon, plus some misc spending money ($20.00).=$40.00

We suggest all dinners in one Stuff Sack, all breakfasts in 1 SS, and all snacks + lunches in 1 SS.

Packing Instructions: PACK LIGHT. EVERY OUNCE COUNTS. Your body will thank you.

Take what is listed here, and NOTHING more. We will check. Pack efficiently. Many things get lost or thrown away because they have no name on them. Examples: hats, gloves, eating utensils, glasses, wallets, water bottles and clothing.

Do NOT bring a pillow – Your jacket can be put in a stuff sack for a pillow.

Your pack will weigh approximately a little more than 1/3 of your body weight. Be prepared for rain, cold, and bring all of the food you'll need (1 1/4 pound per day). You’ll find that you eat small breakfasts, snacks, lunches and BIG dinners.

The Campgrounds on Catalina Island have trash cans, potable water and out-houses.

Packing Suggestions:

Use stuff sacks or freezer Zip Lock Bags for storing items such as: toilet kit, eating kit, socks, underwear, warm clothes: hat, gloves and long underwear, wet clothing, rain gear, ground cloth, and tent stakes, first aid, flashlight and extra batteries. This will really help keep your things from getting scattered and lost. Put your name on everything.