Professional & Program Grants

Coaching Authorization Scholarship

The IWCOA is offering coaching endorsement scholarships. The scholarships will be used towards covering the cost for any new coach working towards their coaching certification for the 2024-25 wrestling season. The IWCOA is set to offer 30 scholarships at $200 a piece. 

Please note that the applicant must provide a certificate of completion and Iowa BOEE Number.

Check goes to the individual upon proof of completion.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Jeff Jager at 605-261-3137 or 

Coaching Authorization Scholarship Application Link

Program Promotion Grant

The IWCOA is offering grants to be used toward promoting the sport of wrestling. Each district of IWCOA has a total of four grants available (two for boys' programs, two for girls' programs); grants are $250 each. If your wrestling program has a need, please fill out and submit this application for review. You will be notified of your acceptance.

Please note that upon receiving the grant, you will be asked to provide verification that the money was used towards promoting the sport of wrestling.


Program Promotion Grant Link