US History Regents Test Prep


Chapter 1 : Three Worlds Meet 1200 B.C.–A.D. 1500

Chapter 2 : The American Colonies Emerge 1492–1681

Chapter 3 : The Colonies Come Of Age 1650–1765

Chapter 4 : The War For Independence 1765–1783

Chapter 5 : Shaping a New Nation 1781–1788

Chapter 1 (Complete) : Three Worlds Meet 1200 B.C.–A.D. 1500

Essential Question/Theme : Three worlds met! How did their convergence affect the cultures of North America, Africa and Europe?

Sections Of Chapter 1

Section 1 Text : Peopling The Americas

Section 1 Main Idea : In ancient times, migrating peoples settled the Americas where their descendants developed complex societies.

Section 1 Vocabulary : nomadic (1), Olmec (0), Maya (0), Aztec (0), Inca, Hohokam (0), Anasazi (0), Adena (0), Hopewell (0), Mississippian (0)

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Section 2 Text : North American Societies Around 1492

Section 2 Main Idea : The varied landscapes of North America encouraged the diversity of Native American cultures.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Kashaya Pomo (0), Kwakiutl (0), Pueblo (0), Iroquois (0), kinship (0), division of labor (0)

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Section 3 : West African Societies Around 1492

Section 3 Main Idea : West Africa in the 1400s was home to a variety of peoples and cultures.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Islam (0), plantation (20), Songhai (0), Savanna (0), Benin (0), Kongo (0), lineage (0)

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Section 4 : European Societies Around 1492

Section 4 Main Idea : Political, economic, and intellectual developments in Western Europe in the 1400s led to the Age of Exploration.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Prince Henry (0), nuclear family (0), Renaissance (0), Crusades (0), Hierarchy (0), Reformation (0)

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Section 5 : Transatlantic Encounters

Section 5 Main Idea : Columbus’s voyages set off a chain of events that brought together the peoples of Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Section 5 Vocabulary : Christopher Columbus (0), Taino (0), colonization (3), Columbian Exchange (0), Treaty of Tordesillas (0)

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Chapter 1 : Assessment

Quiz: Three Worlds Meet

Chapter 2 (Complete) : The American Colonies Emerge 1492–1681

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the European exploration and colonization of the Americas and how the original 13 English colonies took hold in what is now the United States.

Sections Of Chapter 2

Section 1 : Spain's Empire In The America's

Section 1 Main Idea : Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish conquered Central and portions of North America.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Hernándo Cortés (0), conquistador (0), New Spain (1), mestizo (0), encomienda (0), Juan Ponce de León (0), New Mexico (15), Popé (0)

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Section 2 : An English Settlement At Jamestown

Section 2 Main Idea : The first permanent English settlement in North America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.

Section 2 Vocabulary : John Smith (0), joint-stock companies (0), Jamestown (2), Powhatan (0), headright system (0), indentured servant (1), royal colony (0), Nathaniel Bacon (0)

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Section 3 : Puritan New England

Section 3 Main Idea : English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Puritans (1), John Winthrop (0), Separatist (0), Plymouth Colony (3), Massachusetts Bay Colony (2), Roger Williams (0), Anne Hutchinson (0), Pequot War (0), Metacom (0), King Philip’s War (0)

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Section 4 : Settlement Of The Middle Colonies

Section 4 Main Idea : The Dutch settled New Netherland; English Quakers led by William Penn settled Pennsylvania.

Section 4 Vocabulary : William Penn (0), New Netherland (1), proprietor (0), Quakers (0)

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Paper Assessments & Quizzes

Chapter 2 : Assessment

Quiz : The American Colonies Emerge

Quiz : US History Regents High Frequency (Early US 1)

Quiz : Early US History (Early America 1 With Read Aloud)

Chapter 3 (Complete): The Colonies Come Of Age 1650–1765

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will analyze the growth of the colonies.

Sections Of Chapter 3

Section 1 : England & It's Colonies

Section 1 Main Idea : England and it's largely self governing colonies prospered under a mutually beneficial trade relationship.

Section 1 Vocabulary : mercantilism (13), Parliament (16), Navigation Acts (0), Dominion of New England (0), Sir Edmund Andros (0), Glorious Revolution (0), salutary neglect (6)

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Section 2 : The Agricultural South

Section 2 Main Idea : In the Southern colonies, a predominantly agricultural society developed.

Section 2 Vocabulary : cash crop (0), slave (268), triangular trade (2), middle passage (0), Stono Rebellion (0)

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Section 3 : The Commercial North

Section 3 Main Idea : The Northern colonies developed a predominantly urban society, based on commerce and trade.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Enlightenment (2), Benjamin Franklin (2), Jonathan Edwards (0), Great Awakening (1)

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Section 4 : The French & Indian War

Section 4 Main Idea : British victory over the French in North America enlarged the British empire but led to new conflicts with the colonists.

Section 4 Vocabulary : New France (1), George Washington (33), French and Indian War (14), William Pitt (0), Pontiac (0), Proclamation of 1763 (8), George Grenville (0), Sugar Act (1)

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Paper Assessments & Quizzes

Chapter 3 : Assessment

Quiz : Colonial America 1

Quiz : John Peter Zenger/Freedom Of Press

Quiz : Salutary Neglect

Quiz : Mercantilism

Chapter 4 (Complete): The War For Independence 1765–1783

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn what led the American colonists to declare independence from Great Britain and why they were victorious in their fight for freedom.

Sections Of Chapter 4

Section 1 : The Stirrings of Rebellion

Section 1 Main Idea : Conflict between Great Britain and the American colonies grew over issues of taxation, representation, and liberty.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Stamp Act (9), Samuel Adams (0), Townshend Acts (1), Boston Massacre (1), committees of correspondence (0), Boston Tea Party (2), King George III (0), Intolerable Acts (2), martial law (2), minutemen (0)

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Section 2 : Ideas Help Start a Revolution (The Declaration Of Independence)

Section 2 Main Idea : Tensions increased throughout the colonies until the Continental Congress declared independence on July 4, 1776.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Second Continental Congress (1), Olive Branch Petition (0), Common Sense (22), Thomas Jefferson (23), Declaration of Independence (21), Patriots (0), Loyalists (3)

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Section 3 : Struggling Toward Saratoga

Section 3 Main Idea : After a series of setbacks, American forces won at Saratoga and survived.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Valley Forge (0), Trenton (0), Saratoga (6), inflation (2), profiteering (0)

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Section 4 : Winning the War

Section 4 Main Idea : Strategic victories in the South and at Yorktown enabled the Americans to defeat the British.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Yorktown (0), Freidrich Von Steuben (0), Marquis de Lafayette (0), Charles Cornwallis (0), egalitarianism (0)

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Chapter 4 : Assessment

Chapter 5 (Complete): Shaping a New Nation 1781–1788

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will examine domestic challenges faced by the new nation and understand the American beliefs reflected in its form of government.

Sections Of Chapter 5

Section 1 : Experimenting with Confederation

Section 1 Main Idea : Americans adopted the Articles of Confederation but found the new government too weak to solve the nation’s problems.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Republic (12), republicanism (0), Articles of Confederation (24), confederation (27), Land Ordinance of 1785 (0), Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (12)

Section 2 : Drafting the Constitution

Section 2 Main Idea : At the Philadelphia convention in 1787, delegates rejected the Articles of Confederation and created a new constitution.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Shays’s Rebellion (3), James Madison (9), Roger Sherman (0), Great Compromise (9), Three-Fifths Compromise (6), federalism (18), legislative branch (6), executive branch (16), judicial branch (8), checks and balances (26), electoral college (25)

Section 3 : Ratifying the Constitution

Section 3 Main Idea : During the debate on the Constitution, the Federalists promised to add a bill of rights in order to get the Constitution ratified.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Ratification (39), Federalists (20), Antifederalists (14), The Federalist (12), The Federalist Papers (4), Bill of Rights (24)

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Chapter 5 : Assessment

Quiz : Branches Of Government quiz

Quiz : Articles Of Confederation 1

Chapter 6 (Complete) : Launching the New Nation 1789–1816

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn how the Constitution was put into effect and how two rival political parties developed.

Sections Of Chapter 6

Section 1 : Washington Heads the New Government

Section 1 Main Idea : President Washington transformed the ideas of the Constitution into a real government.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Judiciary Act of 1789 (1), Alexander Hamilton (14), Cabinet (21), Bank of the United States (9), Democratic-Republicans (1), two-party system (1), protective tariff (12), excise tax (2)

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Section 2 : Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation

Section 2 Main Idea : Events in Europe sharply divided American public opinion in the l ate 18th century .

Section 2 Vocabulary : Neutrality (47), Edmond Genêt (0), Thomas Pinckney (0), Little Turtle (0), John Jay (0), sectionalism (2), XYZ Affair (0), Alien and Sedition Acts (10), nullification (4)

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Section 3 : Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course

Section 3 Main Idea : The United States expanded its borders during Thomas Jefferson’s administration.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Lewis and Clark (5), Aaron Burr (0), John Marshall (7), Judiciary Act of 1801 (0), midnight judges (0), Marbury v. Madison (13), judicial review (18), Louisiana Purchase (10), Sacajawea (0)

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Section 4 : The War of 1812

Section 4 Main Idea : War broke out again between the United States and Britain in 1812.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Blockade (11), impressment (2), embargo (11), William Henry Harrison (0), Tecumseh (0), war hawk (0), Andrew Jackson (23), Jacksonian Era (8), Treaty of Ghent (0), armistice (1)

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Chapter 6 : Assessment

Chapter 7 (Complete): Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism 1815–1840

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will analyze how nationalism gave way to sectionalism and influenced the conflict over states’ rights.

Sections Of Chapter 7

Section 1 : Regional Economies Create Differences

Section 1 Main Idea : The North and the South developed different economic systems that led to political differences between the regions.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Eli Whitney (0), Interchangeable parts (0), mass production (2), Industrial Revolution (4), cotton gin (3), Henry Clay (1), American System (2), National Road (3), Erie Canal (18), Tariff of 1816 (0)

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Section 2 : Nationalism At Center Stage

Section 2 Main Idea : Nationalism exerted a strong influence in the courts, foreign affairs, and westward expansion in the early 1800s.

Section 2 Vocabulary : McCulloch v. Maryland (6), John Quincy Adams (0), nationalism (6), Adams-Onís Treaty (1), Monroe Doctrine (30), Missouri Compromise (17)

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Section 3 : The Age of Jackson

Section 3 Main Idea : Andrew Jackson’s policies spoke for the common people but violated Native American rights.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Andrew Jackson (23), Democratic-Republican Party (0), spoils system (5), Indian Removal Act (9), Trail of Tears (5)

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Section 4 : Jackson, States’ Rights, and the National Bank

Section 4 Main Idea : Andrew Jackson confronted two important issues during his presidency—states’ rights and a national bank.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Daniel Webster (0), John C. Calhoun (3), Tariff of Abominations (2), Bank of the United States (9), Whig Party (4), Martin Van Buren (0), panic of 1837 (1), William Henry Harrison (0), John Tyler (1)

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Chapter 7 : Assessment

Chapter 8 (Complete): Reforming American Society 1820–1850

Essential Question/Theme :

Sections Of Chapter 8

Section 1 : Religion Sparks Reform

Section 1 Main Idea : A renewal of religious sentiment—known as the Second Great Awakening—inspired a host of reform movements.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Charles Grandison Finney (0), Second Great Awakening (0), revival (religious context) (2), Ralph Waldo Emerson (0), transcendentalism (0), Henry David Thoreau (3), civil disobedience (6), utopian community (0), Dorothea Dix (0)

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Section 2 : Slavery and Abolition

Section 2 Main Idea : Slavery became an explosive issue, as more Americans joined reformers working to put an end to it.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Abolition (41), William Lloyd Garrison (5), emancipation (17), David Walker (1), Frederick Douglass (8), Nat Turner (1), antebellum (2), gag rule (0)

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Section 3 : Women and Reform

Section 3 Main Idea : Women reformers expanded their efforts from movements such as abolition and temperance to include women’s rights.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1), Lucretia Mott (0), cult of domesticity (0), Sarah Grimké (1), Angelina Grimké (1), temperance movement (12), Seneca Falls Convention (10), Sojourner Truth (1)

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Section 4 : The Changing Workplace

Section 4 Main Idea : A growing industrial workforce faced problems arising from manufacturing under the factory system.

Section 4 Vocabulary : cottage industry (0), master (labor context) (0), journeyman (0), apprentice (0), strike (73), National Trades Union (0)

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Chapter 8 : Assessment

Chapter 9 (Complete) : Expanding Markets and Moving West 1825–1847

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn how westward expansion led to conflict and redefined the nation’s borders.

Sections Of Chapter 9

Section 1 : The Market Revolution

Section 1 Main Idea : Technological changes created greater interaction and more economic diversity among the regions of the nation.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Samuel F. B. Morse (0), specialization (0), market revolution (0), capital (monetary context) (0), entrepreneur (0), telegraph (1), John Deere (1), Cyrus McCormick (0)

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Section 2 : Manifest Destiny

Section 2 Main Idea : Americans moved west, energized by their belief in the rightful expansion of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Section 2 Vocabulary : manifest destiny (17), Treaty Of Fort Laramie (0), Santa Fe Trail (0), Oregon Trail (0), Mormons (0), Joseph Smith (0), Brigham Young (0), "Fifty-Four Forty Or Fight!" (0)

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Section 3 : Expansion in Texas

Section 3 Main Idea : Mexico offered land grants to American settlers, but conflict developed over religion and other cultural differences, and the issue of slavery.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Stephen F. Austin (0), land grant (4), Antonio López de Santa Anna (0), Texas Revolution (0), Alamo (2), Sam Houston (0), Republic of Texas (0), annex (28)

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Section 4 : The War with Mexico

Section 4 Main Idea : Tensions over the U.S. annexation of Texas led to war with Mexico, resulting in huge territorial gains for the United States.

Section 4 Vocabulary : James K. Polk (19), Zachary Taylor (0), Stephen Kearny (0), Republic of California (0), Winfield Scott (1), Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (3), Gadsden Purchase (1), forty-niners (0), gold rush (1)

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Chapter 9: Paper Assessments & Quizzes

Chapter 9 : Assessment

Chapter 10 (Complete) : The Union in Peril 1850–1861

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn how rising tensions over the issue of slavery led to a split in the nation that culminated in war.

Chapter 10 By Section

Section 1 : The Divisive Politics of Slavery

Section 1 Main Idea : The issue of slavery dominated U.S. politics in the early 1850s.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Wilmot Proviso (1), secession (12), Compromise of 1850 (14), popular sovereignty (15), Stephen A. Douglas (0), Millard Fillmore (0)

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Section 2 : Protest, Resistance, and Violence

Section 2 Main Idea : Proslavery and antislavery factions disagreed over the treatment of fugitive slaves and the spread of slavery to the territories.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Fugitive Slave Act (9), Personal liberty laws (0), Underground Railroad (3), Harriet Tubman (0), Harriet Beecher Stowe (10), Uncle Tom’s Cabin (23), Kansas-Nebraska Act (11), John Brown (3), Bleeding Kansas (1)

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Section 3 : The Birth of the Republican Party

Section 3 Main Idea : In the mid-1850s, the issue of slavery and other factors split political parties and led to the birth of new ones.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Franklin Pierce (0), Nativism (3), Know-Nothing Party (6), Free-Soil Party (1), Republican Party (11), Horace Greely (0), John C. Fremont (0), James Buchanan (0)

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Section 4 : Slavery and Secession

Section 4 Main Idea : A series of controversial events heightened the sectional conflict that brought the nation to the brink of war

Section 4 Vocabulary : Dred Scott (32), Roger B. Taney (2), Abraham Lincoln (45), Freeport Doctrine (0), Harpers Ferry (1), Confederacy (3), Jefferson Davis (1)

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Chapter 10: Paper Assessments & Quizzes

Chapter 10 : Assessment

Chapter 11 (Complete) : The Civil War 1861–1865

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the Civil War that divided the United States in the 1860s.

Sections Of Chapter 11

Section 1 : The Civil War Begins

Section 1 Main Idea : The secession of Southern states caused the North and the South to take up arms.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Fort Sumter (1), Anaconda plan (0), Bull Run, (0) Stonewall Jackson (0), George McClellan (0), Ulysses S. Grant (1), Shiloh (0), David G. Farragut (0), Monitor (0), Merrimack (0), Robert E. Lee (3), Antietam (0)

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Section 2 : The Politics of War

Section 2 Main Idea : By issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln made slavery the focus of the war.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Emancipation Proclamation (15), habeas corpus (24), Copperhead (0), conscription (0)

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Section 3 : Life During Wartime

Section 3 Main Idea : The Civil War brought about dramatic social and economic changes in American society

Section 3 Vocabulary : Fort Pillow (0), income tax (24), Clara Barton (0), Andersonville (0)

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Section 4 : The North Takes Charge

Section 4 Main Idea : Key victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg helped the Union wear down the Confederacy

Section 4 Vocabulary : Gettysburg (13), Chancellorsville (1), Vicksburg (1), Gettysberg Address (5), William Tecumseh Sherman (0), Appomattox Courthouse (0)

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Section 5 : The Legacy of the War

Section 5 Main Idea : The Civil War settled longstanding disputes over states’ rights and slavery.

Section 5 Vocabulary : National Bank Act (0), Thirteenth Amendment (1), Red Cross (0), John Wilkes Booth (0)

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Chapter 11 : Assessment

Chapter 12 (Complete) : Reconstruction and Its Effects 1865–1877

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about Reconstruction and the effects it had on the nation.

Sections Of Chapter 12

Section 1 : The Politics of Reconstruction

Section 1 Main Idea : Congress opposed Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction and instead implemented its own plan to rebuild the South.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Andrew Johnson (13), Reconstruction (34), Radical Republicans (6), Thaddeus Stevens (1), Wade-Davis Bill (1), freedmen (15), Freedmen’s Bureau (7), black codes (8), Fourteenth Amendment (4), impeach (32), Fifteenth Amendment (2)

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Section 2 : Reconstructing Society

Section 2 Main Idea : Various groups contributed to the rebuilding of Southern society after the war.

Section 2 Vocabulary : scalawag (0), carpetbagger (0), Hiram Revels (0), sharecropping (16), tenant farming (3)

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Section 3 : The Collapse of Reconstruction

Section 3 Main Idea : Southern opposition to Radical Reconstruction, along with economic problems in the North, ended Reconstruction.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Ku Klux Klan (KKK) (14), panic of 1873 (0), redemption (0), Rutherford B. Hayes (4), Samuel J. Tilden (4) , Compromise of 1877 (3), home rule (0)

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Chapter 12 : Assessment

Chapter 13 (Complete) : Changes on the Western Frontier 1877–1900

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the settlers who moved into the new frontier to mine, ranch, and farm.

Sections Of Chapter 13

Section 1 : Cultures Clash on the Prairie

Section 1 Main Idea : The cattle industry boomed in the late 1800s, as the culture of the Plains Indians declined.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Great Plains (33), Treaty of Fort Laramie (0), Sitting Bull (0), George A. Custer (0), assimilation (6), Dawes Act (5), Battle of Wounded Knee (0), longhorn (0), Chisholm Trail (1), long drive (0)

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Section 2 : Settling on the Great Plains

Section 2 Main Idea : Settlers on the Great Plains transformed the land despite great hardships.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Homestead Act (21), exoduster (0), soddy (0), Morrill Act (0), bonanza farm (0)

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Section 3 : Farmers and the Populist Movement

Section 3 Main Idea : Farmers united to address their economic problems, giving rise to the Populist movement.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Oliver Hudson Kelley (0), Grange (5), farmers (42), Farmers’ Alliances (0), Populism (12), bimetallism (0), gold standard (3), William McKinley (14), William Jennings Bryan (4)

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Chapter 13 : Assessment

Chapter 14 (Complete) : A New Industrial Age 1877–1900

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the industrial revolution of the late 1800s and the impact it had on American businesses and workers.

Sections Of Chapter 14

Section 1: The Expansion of Industry

Section 1 Main Idea : At the end of the 19th century, natural resources, creative ideas, and growing markets fueled an industrial boom.

Section 1 Vocabulary: Edwin L. Drake (0), Bessemer process (0), Thomas Alva Edison (0), Christopher Sholes (0), Alexander Graham Bell (0)

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Section 2 : The Age of the Railroads

Section 2 Main Idea: The growth and consolidation of railroads benefited the nation but also led to corruption and required government regulation.

Section 2 Vocabulary: Transcontinental Railroad (18), George M. Pullman (19), Credit Mobilizer (1), Munn v. Illinois (0), Interstate Commerce Act (7)

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Section 3 : Big Business and Labor

Section 3 Main Idea : The expansion of industry resulted in the growth of big business and prompted laborers to form unions to better their lives.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Andrew Carnegie (8), vertical integration (1) horizontal integration (0), Social Darwinism (10), John D. Rockefeller (5), Standard Oil (4), monopoly (31), Sherman Antitrust Act (12), Samuel Gompers (4), American Federation of Labor (AFL) (10), Eugene V. Debs (3), Industrial Workers (5), Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) (0), Mary Harris (0)

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Chapter 14: Assessment

Chapter 15 (Complete): Immigrants and Urbanization 1877–1914

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will explore the immigrant experience and discover the effects of immigration.

Sections Of Chapter 15

Section 1 : The New Immigrants

Section 1 Main Idea : Immigration from Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and Mexico reached a new high in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Ellis Island (0), Angel Island (0), melting pot (2), nativism (3), Chinese Exclusion Act (7), Gentlemen’s Agreement (0)

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Section 2 : The Challenges of Urbanization

Section 2 Main Idea : The rapid growth of cities forced people to contend with problems of housing, transportation, water, and sanitation.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Urbanization (11), Americanization (1), tenement (16), mass transit (1), Social Gospel movement (0), settlement house (3), Jane Addams (3)

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Section 3 : Politics in the Gilded Age

Section 3 Main Idea : Local and national political corruption in the 19th century led to calls for reform.

Section 3 Vocabulary : political machine (7), graft (0), Boss Tweed (0), patronage (0), civil service (3), Rutherford B. Hayes (4), James A. Garfield (0), Chester A. Arthur (1), Pendleton Civil Service Act (0), Grover Cleveland (0), Benjamin Harrison (0)

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Chapter 15: Assessment

Chapter 16 (Complete) : Life at the Turn of the 20th Century 1877–1917

Essential Question/Theme : What were the significant trends in areas such as technology, education, race relations, and mass culture at the turn of the 20th century?

Sections Of Chapter 16

Section 1 : Science and Urban Life

Section 1 Main Idea : Advances in science and technology helped solve urban problems, including overcrowding.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Louis Sullivan (0), Daniel Burnham (0), Frederick Law Olmsted (0), Orville and Wilbur Wright (0), George Eastman (0)

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Section 2 : Expanding Public Education

Section 2 Main Idea : Reforms in public education led to a rise in national literacy and the promotion of public education.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Booker T. Washington (10), Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (1), W. E. B. Du Bois (0), Niagara Movement (1)

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Section 3 : Segregation and Discrimination

Section 3 Main Idea : African Americans led the fight against voting restrictions and Jim Crow laws.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Ida B. Wells (0), poll tax (14), grandfather clause (6), segregation (55), Jim Crow laws (15), Plessy v. Ferguson (22), debt peonage (0)

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Section 4 : The Dawn of Mass Culture

Section 4 Main Idea : As Americans had more time for leisure activities, a modern mass culture emerged.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Joseph Pulitzer (1), William Randolph Hearst (1), Ashcan school (0), Mark Twain (0), rural free delivery (RFD) (0)

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Chapter 16 : Assessment

Chapter 17 (Complete): The Progressive Era 1890–1920

Essential Question/Theme: In this chapter you will learn about the progressive movement.

Sections Of Chapter 17

Section 1: The Origins of Progressivism

Section 1 Main Idea: Political, economic, and social change in late 19th century America led to broad progressive reforms.

Section 1 Vocabulary: Progressive movement (9), progressive (43), Progressive Era (20), Florence Kelley (0), prohibition (32), muckraker (9), scientific management (0), Robert M. La Follette (0), initiative (12), referendum (10), recall (14), Seventeenth Amendment (2)

Section 2 : Women in Public Life

Section 2 Main Idea : As a result of social and economic change, many women entered public life as workers and reformers.

Section 2 Vocabulary : NACW (0), suffrage (78), Susan B. Anthony (3), NAWSA (1)

Section 3 : Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

Section 3 Main Idea : As president, Theodore Roosevelt worked to give citizens a Square Deal through progressive reforms.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Upton Sinclair (20), The Jungle (21), Theodore Roosevelt (36), Square Deal (11), Meat Inspection Act (12), Pure Food and Drug Act (10), conservation (27), NAACP (6)

Section 4 : Progressivism Under Taft

Section 4 Main Idea : Taft’s ambivalent approach to progressive reform led to a split in the Republican Party and the loss of the presidency to the Democrats.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Gifford Pinchot (0), William Howard Taft (2), Payne-Aldrich Tariff (0), Bull Moose Party (2), Woodrow Wilson (40)

Section 5 : Wilson’s New Freedom

Section 5 Main Idea : Woodrow Wilson established a strong reform agenda as a progressive leader.

Section 5 Vocabulary : Carrie Chapman Catt (0), Clayton Antitrust Act (5), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (2), Federal Reserve System (16), Nineteenth Amendment (5)

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Chapter 17: Assessment

Chapter 18 (Complete): America Claims an Empire 1890–1920

Essential Question/Theme: In this chapter you will learn about the transformation of the United States into a world power and about the impact of that change.

Sections Of Chapter 18

Section 1: Imperialism and America

Section 1 Main Idea: Beginning in 1867 and continuing through the century, global competition caused the United States to expand.

Section 1 Vocabulary: Queen Liliuokalani (0), imperialism (20), Alfred T. Mahan (4), William Seward (0), Pearl Harbor (14), Sanford B. Dole (0)

Section 2: The Spanish-American War

Section 2 Main Idea: In 1898, the United States went to war to help Cuba win its independence from Spain.

Section 2 Vocabulary: José Martí (0), Valeriano Weyler (0), yellow journalism (8), U.S.S. Maine (0), George Dewey (0), Rough Riders (0), San Juan Hill (0), Treaty of Paris (3)

Section 3: Acquiring New Lands

Section 3 Main Idea: In the early 1900s, the United States engaged in conflicts in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines.

Section 3 Vocabulary: Foraker Act (0), Platt Amendment (1), protectorate (0), Emilio Aguinaldo (0), John Hay (1), Open Door notes (0), Boxer Rebellion (3)

Section 4: America as a World Power

Section 4 Main Idea: The Russo-Japanese War, the Panama Canal, and the Mexican Revolution added to America’s military and economic power.

Section 4 Vocabulary: Panama Canal (20), Roosevelt Corollary (6), dollar diplomacy (6), Francisco “Pancho” Villa (1), Emiliano Zapata (0), John J. Pershing (0)

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Chapter 18: Assessment

Chapter 19 (Complete): The First World War 1914–1920

Essential Question/Theme: In this chapter you will examine the causes and consequences of World War I.

Sections Of Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Assessment

Section 1: World War I Begins

Section 1 Main Idea: As World War I intensified, the United States was forced to abandon its neutrality

Section 1 Vocabulary: Nationalism (6), militarism (1), Allies (21), Central Powers (0), Archduke Franz Ferdinand (0), no man’s land (0), trench warfare (0), Lusitania (2), Zimmermann note (8)

Section 2: American Power Tips the Balance

Section 2 Main Idea: The United States mobilized a large army and navy to help the Allies achieve victory.

Section 2 Vocabulary: Eddie Rickenbacker (0), Selective Service Act (1), convoy system (0), American Expeditionary Force (0), General John J. Pershing (0), Alvin York (0), conscientious objector (0), armistice (5)

Section 3: The War at Home

Section 3 Main Idea: World War I spurred social, political, and economic change in the United States.

Section 3 Vocabulary: War Industries Board (0), Bernard M. Baruch (0), propaganda (4), George Creel (0), Espionage And Sedition Acts (4), Alien And Sedition Acts (10), Great Migration (11)

Section 4: Wilson Fights for Peace

Section 4 Main Idea: European leaders opposed most of Wilson’s peace plan, and the U.S. Senate failed to ratify the peace treaty

Section 4 Vocabulary: Fourteen Points (7), League of Nations (26), Georges Clemenceau (1), David Lloyd George (0), Treaty of Versailles (20), reparations (12), war-guilt clause (0), Henry Cabot Lodge (1)

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Chapter 18: Assessment

Chapter 20 (Complete): Politics of the RoaringTwenties 1919–1929

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the challenges and changes that the nation faced after World War I.

Sections Of Chapter 20

Section 1 : Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues

Section 1 Main Idea : A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and “foreigners” led to postwar isolationism.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Nativism (3), isolationism (16), communism (23), anarchists (0), Sacco and Vanzetti (8), quota system (3), John L. Lewis (2)

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Section 2 : The Harding Presidency

Section 2 Main Idea : The Harding administration appealed to America’s desire for calm and peace after the war, but resulted in scandal.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Warren G. Harding (6), Charles Evans Hughes (0), Fordney-McCumber Tariff (0), Ohio gang (0), Teapot Dome scandal (4), Albert B. Fall (0)

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Section 3 : The Business of America

Section 3 Main Idea : Consumer goods fueled the business boom of the 1920s as America’s standard of living soared.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Calvin Coolidge (4), urban sprawl (0), installment plan (0)

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Chapter 20 : Assessment

Chapter 21 (Complete): The Roaring Life of the 1920s 1920–1929

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn how American life underwent rapid and radical change in the 1920s.

Sections Of Chapter 21

Section 1 : Changing Ways of Life

Section 1 Main Idea : Americans experienced cultural conflicts as customs and values changed in the 1920s.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Prohibition (32), speakeasy (0), bootlegger (1), fundamentalism (0), Clarence Darrow (0), Scopes trial (12)

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Section 2 : The Twenties Woman

Section 2 Main Idea : American women pursued new lifestyles and assumed new jobs and different roles in society during the 1920s.

Section 2 Vocabulary : flapper (1), double standard (0)

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Section 3 : Education and Popular Culture

Section 3 Main Idea : The mass media, movies, and spectator sports played important roles in creating the popular culture of the 1920s—a culture that many artists and writers criticized.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Charles A. Lindbergh (2), George Gershwin (0), Georgia O’Keeffe (0), Sinclair Lewis (3), F. Scott Fitzgerald (5), Edna St. Vincent Millay (0), Ernest Hemingway (4)

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Section 4 : The Harlem Renaissance

Section 4 Main Idea : African-American ideas, politics, art, literature, and music flourished in Harlem and elsewhere in the United States.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Zora Neale Hurston (0), James Weldon Johnson (0), Marcus Garvey (0), Harlem Renaissance (12), Claude McKay (0), Langston Hughes (12), Paul Robeson (0), Louis Armstrong (0), Duke Ellington (2), Bessie Smith (1)

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Chapter 21 : Assessment

Chapter 22 (Complete): The Great Depression Begins 1929–1933

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will learn about the weaknesses in the American economy and how they helped to bring about the Great Depression.

Sections Of Chapter 22

Section 1 : The Nation’s Sick Economy

Section 1 Main Idea : As the prosperity of the 1920s ended, severe economic problems gripped the nation.

Section 1 Vocabulary : price support (0), credit (18), Alfred E. Smith (0), Dow Jones Industrial Average (0), speculation (5), buying on margin (3), Black Tuesday (0), Great Depression (34), Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act (0)

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Section 2 : Hardship and Suffering During the Depression

Section 2 Main Idea : During the Great Depression Americans did what they had to do to survive.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Shantytown (0), soup kitchen (1), bread line (0), Dust Bowl (12), direct relief (1)

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Section 3 : Hoover Struggles with the Depression

Section 3 Main Idea : President Hoover’s conservative response to the Great Depression drew criticism from many Americans.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Herbert Hoover (27), Boulder Dam (0), Federal Home Loan Bank Act (0), Reconstruction Finance Corporation (0), Bonus Army (11)

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Chapter 22 : Assessment

Chapter 23 : The New Deal 1933–1940

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will discover the impetus for and the impact of the New Deal.

Sections Of Chapter 23

Section 1 : A New Deal Fights the Depression

Section 1 Main Idea : After becoming president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt used government programs to combat the Depression.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Franklin Delano Roosevelt (116), New Deal (58), Glass-Steagall Act (0), Federal Securities Act (0), Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) (5), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (2), National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) (2), deficit spending (1), Huey Long (2)

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Section 2 : The Second New Deal Takes Hold

Section 2 Main Idea : The Second New Deal included new programs to extend federal aid and stimulate the nation’s economy.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Eleanor Roosevelt (0), Works Progress Administration (WPA) (6), National Youth Administration (0), Wagner Act (8), Social Security (32), Social Security Act (7)

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Section 3 : The New Deal Affects Many Groups

Section 3 Main Idea : New Deal policies and actions affected various social and ethnic groups.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Frances Perkins (0), Mary McLeod Bethune (0), John Collier (0), New Deal coalition (0), Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) (0)

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Section 4 : Culture in the 1930s

Section 4 Main Idea : Motion pictures, radio, art, and literature blossomed during the New Deal.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Gone With the Wind (0), Orson Welles (0), Grant Wood (0), Richard Wright (0), The Grapes of Wrath (3)

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Section 5 : The Impact of the New Deal

Section 5 Main Idea : The New Deal affected American society not only in the 1930s but also in the decades that followed.

Section 5 Vocabulary : Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (5), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (6), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) (11), parity (1), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (4)

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Chapter 23 : Assessment

Chapter 24 (Complete) : World War Looms 1931–1941

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will discover the military campaigns, political decisions, and home front sacrifices that led to victory in World War II.

Sections Of Chapter 24

Section 1 : Dictators Threaten World Peace

Section 1 Main Idea : The rise of rulers with total power in Europe and Asia led to World War ll.

Section 1 Vocabulary : Joseph Stalin (2), totalitarian (0), Benito Mussolini (0), fascism (6), Adolf Hitler (4), Nazism (12), Francisco Franco (0), Neutrality Acts (8)

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Section 2 : War in Europe

Section 2 Main Idea : Using the sudden mass attack called blitzkrieg, Germany invaded and quickly conquered many European countries.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Neville Chamberlain (0), Winston Churchill (5), appeasement (10), nonaggression pact (2), blitzkrieg (0), Charles de Gaulle (0)

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Section 3 : The Holocaust

Section 3 Main Idea : During the Holocaust, the Nazis systematically executed 6 million Jews and 5 million other “non-Aryans.”

Section 3 Vocabulary : Holocaust (3), Kristallnacht (0), genocide (0), ghetto (4), concentration camp (1)

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Section 4 : America Moves Toward War

Section 4 Main Idea : In response to the fighting in Europe, the United States provided economic and military aid to help the Allies achieve victory.

Section 4 Vocabulary : Axis powers (8), Lend-Lease Act (10), Atlantic Charter (3), Allies (21), Hideki Tojo (0)

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Chapter 24 : Assessment

Chapter 25 (Complete) : The United States In World War II 1941–1945

Essential Question/Theme : In this chapter you will discover the military campaigns, political decisions, and home front sacrifices that led to victory in World War II.

Sections Of Chapter 25

Section 1 : Mobilizing for Defense

Section 1 Main Idea : Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States mobilized for war.

Section 1 Vocabulary : George Marshall (3), Women’s Auxiliary Army Corp (WAAC) (0), A. Philip Randolph (2), Manhattan Project (9), Office of Price Administration (OPA) (1), War Production Board (WPB) (1), rationing (10)

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Section 2 : The War for Europe and North Africa

Section 2 Main Idea : Allied forces, led by the United States and Great Britain, battled Axis powers for control of Europe and North Africa.

Section 2 Vocabulary : Dwight D. Eisenhower (21), D-Day (5), Omar Bradley (0), George Patton (0), Battle of the Bulge (0), V-E Day (0), Harry S. Truman (42),

Section 3 : The War in the Pacific

Section 3 Main Idea : In order to defeat Japan and end the war in the Pacific, the United States unleashed a terrible new weapon, the atomic bomb.

Section 3 Vocabulary : Douglas MacArthur (6), Chester Nimitz (0), Battle of Midway (2), kamikaze (0), J. Robert Oppenheimer (3), Hiroshima (3), Nagasaki (2), Nuremberg trials (8)

Section 4 : The Home Front

Section 4 Main Idea : After World War II, Americans adjusted to new economic opportunities and harsh social tensions.

Section 4 Vocabulary : GI Bill of Rights (11), James Farmer (0), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (1), internment (16), Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) (0)

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Chapter 25 : Assessment