NOTE: Google MEET is constantly being upgraded by Google, come back often to learn more about new features.

LASTE UPDATE: September 7, 2020

How does Google MEET works for TEACHERS?

1. Teacher MUST setup MEETING TIMES for students

2. Teacher must SHARE with the students the MEETING TIMES and GOOGLE MEET LINK


4. Alternative to share GOOGLE MEET LINK. Teachers can instruct the students to click on the link located in the Google Classroom BANNER. (see pic)

5. Teacher MUST access the GOOGLE MEET SESSION first. It is recommended that the teacher access the session 5 MIN before the indicated time.

6. The teacher can MUTE students but cannot UNMUTE students

7. The Teacher can REMOVE student from ongoing session

8. Students CANNOT mute or remove teacher from session

9. The Teacher can RECORD SESSION

10. Teacher MUST ensure ALL STUDENTS exit the session before the teacher. NO STUDENT must be left behind in the session.

How Does Google Meet for Students? (for iPad users)

1. Student MUST have GOOGLE CLASSROOM and GOOGLE MEET APPS installed in iPad

2. Student MUST to login to GOOGLE CLASSROOM and enter username and password

USERNAME: student

PASSWORD: student birthday (MMDDYYYY)

3. Select the CAMERA ICON to access GOOGLE MEET (see pic)

4. Student must LOGIN on time as indicated by teacher (student cannot login before the teacher)

5. To login click JOIN A MEETING (see pic)

6. If student login before teacher will get a notification (see pic)

7. Go back to Google Classroom and try to JOIN on time or minutes after indicated start time (see pic)

8. Student can tell if the teacher is inside the session already by getting this screen

9. Students MUST enter the GOOGLE MEET session in silence. MUTE microphone

10. Use the CHAT ROOM only when indicated by teacher

11. Use the PRESENT NOW only when indicated by teacher

How Does Google Meet for Students (for Chromebook users)

1. Student MUST login to Chromebook

USERNAME: student
PASSWORD: student birthday (MMDDYYYY)

2. (a)OPEN menu and (b)SEARCH for Google Classroom (see pic)

3. Enter a Google Classroom Class

4. Click on GOOGLE MEET LINK (see pic)

5. Student must LOGIN on time as indicated by teacher (student cannot login before the teacher)

6. If student login before teacher will get a notification. (a) close TAB to go back to Class (see pic)

7. Student can tell the teacher is inside the session already by getting this screen. (a) teacher name is displayed (see pic)

8. Students MUST enter the GOOGLE MEET session in silence. MUTE microphone

9. Use the CHAT ROOM only when indicated by teacher

10. Use the PRESENT NOW only when indicated by teacher

Google Meet Extensions for Teachers


Your computer will have to connect to the district network for the list of approved extensions to be updated on the computer's policy.

Once you have connected to the district network, you should be able to install them. Please contact Technology Department if you need assistance.

While we wait for the Google updates (coming soon), you can utilize this extension to view more than 16 students on your screen at one time during a Google Meet session.


Use the Dualles to view your students and what you are presenting at the same time. This chrome extension simulates the environment of a dual monitor. It splits your browser windows into two by just 2 clicks. The ratio can be adjusted according to your needs.


Students: Will see a correct image of what the teacher is presenting, writing on a document camera, writing on a whiteboard, or showing to them (i.e. a book) REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE USING OR NOT USING THE EXTENSION. Therefore, it is NOT a requirement that you utilize this extension.

Teachers : In Google Meet, teachers see a flipped image of themselves. This means if you are using a document camera or reading a book to students, etc. , it will appear that the information is backwards to the TEACHER ONLY. STUDENTS WILL ALWAYS SEE INFORMATION BEING DISPLAYED CORRECTLY. If the teacher wishes to see their image the way a student sees it, they can use the video mirror extension. This will NOT affect the student view of content.

Google Meet Extensions (1).pdf

Click on and download the document to learn more about Google Meet Grid View (fix), Dualless, and VideoMirror.