
SR3 Counselors have compiled a list of counseling resources in our community that we are aware of. There are several other resources available, checking with your child's pediatrician might be another great starting point.

If you need immediate assistance:


Call 911

Well Child Check

Call the Andrew County Sheriff's Department (816-324-4114)

Crisis and Support

Crisis Text line: 741-741

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Call (800-273-8255)

Mental Health

Missouri Mental Health Crisis Hotline: Call: (888-279-8188)

Child Abuse and Neglect-

Missouri Children's Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: Call (800-392-3738)

Drugs and Alcohol Education, Treatment and Referral

National Drug Helpline: Call (844-289-0879)

United Way:

If you are experiencing needs:

Please reach out to the Help Me Hotline by calling 816.364.1131. They will ask about your needs and will give referrals based on local resources which are adapting and evolving daily. Click here for helpful tips if you are experiencing or anticipating a loss of income.