Unit IV: Information

**This will combine what once was units IV & V**

Cell Reproduction

Vodcast 4.1 (Chapter 11)

Vodcast 4.2 (Chapter 12)

Vodcast 4.3 (Chapter 12)

The Inheritance of Corn Lab

Mitosis Lab

Meiosis Lab

Supplemental Goodness:

Check it out! Since we can't do this in person - we'll make the best of it we can :) Get ready for some serious cuteness!

Amber the waltzing mouse. This is the result of having the autosomal recessive trait (waltizing).

Swing that chromosome, doe see doe!

By: Bozeman Science

Paul Andersen shows you how to calculate the ch-squared value to test your null hypothesis. He explains the importance of the critical value and defines the degrees of freedom. He also leaves you with a problem related to the animal behavior lab. This analysis is required in the AP Biology classroom.

NOVA: Anastasia: Dead or Alive (1995)

During the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Czar Nicholas Romanov II was overthrown and exiled to the town of Ekaterinburg. In the middle of the night of July 16, 1918, Bolshevik guards, using the pretense that the Romanovs were in danger, led the Czar and his family into a basement and killed them. Although reports indicated that no one survived, some people believe that one of the Czar's daughters, Princess Anastasia, may have escaped. In 1922 a woman claiming to be Anastasia surfaced in Berlin. Six years later, she visited the United States and registered in a hotel using the name Anna Anderson. Relatives, doctors, and former acquaintances of the Romanovs interviewed and studied her, but until the advent of DNA analysis, no one could prove or disprove her claim with certainty. NOVA investigates this mystery, presenting personal testimonies, evidence from DNA tests, and extensive efforts to determine her true identity.

Anastasia Dead or Alive.mp4
Finding Anastasia.mp4

Nat Geo Explorer: Finding Anastasia (2008)

Did Romanov Princess Anastasia survive a Bolshevik firing squad, or did she and her brother Crown Prince Alexis perish with their father, Tsar Nicholas II, before a Bolshevik firing squad in 1918?

Adv Bio Unit 4 ExObj