Mrs. Fitzgerald

RMS Principal

Mrs. Trefethen

6th Grade School Counselor

Virtual Tour of RMS

6th Graders Answer Questions

6th Grade Teacher Introductions

Mrs. Renaud

Cluster 6-1
Math & Science

Mrs. Gilson

Cluster 6-1
Language Arts & Social Studies

Mr. Paveglio and Mrs. Newton

Cluster 6-2

Mrs. Parent

Cluster 6-3
Math & Science

Mr. Huckins

Cluster 6-3
Language Arts and Social Studies

Mrs. Duford

Cluster 6-4
Math & Science

Mrs. Bartlett

Cluster 6-5
Math & Science

Mr. Dyment

Cluster 6-5
Language Arts & Social Studies

Mrs. Curren

Cluster 6-6
Math & Science

Mrs. Ferry

Cluster 6-7
Language Arts & Social Studies

Mrs. Golden

Cluster 6-7
Math & Science

6th Grade Exploratory Teachers

Ms. Logan and Mr. Malay


Ms. O'Connor, Mr. Malay, Mr. Shippos, & Mr. Owen

Physical Education

Ms. Bednaz, Ms. Nyhan, & Ms. Kashi

Visual Art

Ms. Carson, Ms. Allard, Dr. Varga, & Mr. Therrien


Ms. Roberts & Mr. Bragg

Technology Education

Ms. O'Brien

Library Media Center


Scott Owen
Athletic Facilitator

General Information