Title 1
Title 1 Reading Specialist
Liz Brulotte, MS
My name is Liz Brulotte. I have been teaching for over 20 years in Special Education and am currently the Title 1 Reading Specialist at Gilmanton School. I have a bachelors degree in Elementary Education and Special Education for grades K-8, Certification as Reading Specialist and Master's Degree in Instruction and Leadership.
My family and I have lived in Gilmanton for 20 plus years. When I am not at school I enjoy gardening, camping, kayaking and spending time with my children and 5 grandchildren.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.: lbrulotte@sau79.org
603-364-5681 ext. 202
Remember the Definition of Fair:
Fair isn't everyone getting the same thing
but instead everyone getting what they need.
That's what teaching is all about.