Drug Alcohol Policy


The use of alcohol or drugs (including vape products) constitutes a risk to their physical and mental health. Furthermore, the use of alcohol or drugs by Hopkinton's students is illegal. Accordingly, alcohol or drug, USE, POSSESSION, DISTRIBUTION AND/OR SALE at any time while on school property, or while participating in any interscholastic events or any activity sponsored by the school, or en route to or from any school sponsored event are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, the Hopkinton School District participates in the provisions of the Drug Free School Act.

Alcohol and drug dependencies are illnesses, and they pose a hazard that can interfere with a student's ability to learn and function responsibly in the school setting. The Hopkinton School District is cognizant of the complex origins and manifestations of alcohol and drug use and dependency, and accepts responsibility for providing a comprehensive program to deal with this illness. This program will include the identification of drug and alcohol dependency, drug and alcohol prevention education, referral assistance for parents and students in cooperation with school counselors and other appropriate services.


Persons under 21 years of age are forbidden by State Statue to possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Possession of illegal drugs (i.e. controlled substances) is also forbidden.

Persons 21 years of age and over are forbidden by State Statue to provide alcoholic beverages and/or drugs to persons under 21.

No one shall possess or ingest alcohol or a controlled substance, not be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance as defined by the laws of New Hampshire, while in school property, while en route to or from any school sponsored event, or while participating in school activities.

No one shall possess a "look-alike" (any pill or substance manufactured to look like the real drug) controlled substance for any purpose during the school day or en route to or from any school-sponsored event.

No person shall sell, share, or give to another student alcohol or a controlled substance or any "look-alike" substance on school property, or while participating in interscholastic events or any school sponsored event.


  1. Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis. The School District shall take the following action:

  2. Each violation shall be reported to the Hopkinton Police for appropriate action and shall be reported to parents or guardians. Not only is it the parents’ right to know what their children are involved in, but it is they who have primary responsibility for treatment.

  3. Student(s) shall, upon reasonable request by the administration, take an accepted physical test to determine whether s/he has ingested alcohol or a controlled substance. This test will be administered by a trained staff member, the police or at a health clinic or doctor's office. These include, but are not limited to, the Alcoscan Test and the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test.

  4. Student(s) may be required to participate in an approved drug and alcohol educational program and/or treatment. Successful participation in such a program or treatment plan may be required before being admitted back to school.

  5. Student(s) shall be suspended from school for 10 days by the school administration. Student(s) shall be referred to the Superintendent and may be suspended for an additional 20 days. The School Board may suspend the student(s) for a period not to exceed one school semester, except in cases involving "dealers" in which expulsion may be considered by the School Board.


  1. The first aim of the school will be to help the student. The teacher, or other staff member in whom the student confides, should inform the student of the counseling services, which will include discussions with parents and referral to an agency which can give help, without divulging the student's confidence.

  2. The teacher will inform the counselor, and assist in scheduling a student counselor conference.

  3. The counselor will meet with the parents and recommend an appropriate medical or social agency that can serve the student.


A. Responsibilities of the Faculty

  1. To act responsively in the course of normal school activities, and to report suspicions of drug and/or alcohol abuse or violations immediately to the administration.

  2. To become informed about drug and alcohol abuse as an illness as well as other signs of alcohol use, possession, distribution or sale either through voluntary attendance at workshops or during private meetings with Drug and Alcohol Counselors.

B. Responsibilities of the Administration

  1. To provide staff with adequate training in drug/alcohol abuse and prevention through attendance at workshops, etc.

  2. To act on all reports, observations or suspicions.

  3. To assess the student's physical state.

  4. To document the student's behavior.

  5. To determine whether or not a test should be administered.

  6. To evaluate other students' thoughts, opinions, remarks.

  7. Consistent with Board Policy on zero tolerance and safety the administration reserves the authority to conduct unannounced searches of school property, students’ persons, and students’ property, while on school property or attending a school related event. These searches may included but are not limited to; search of lockers, clothing, backpacks, automobiles, and may include the use of drug and/or weapon detecting equipment and/or canines, etc. Parents/Guardians will be contacted after any search occurs. Should the search result in identification and confiscation of unauthorized or illegal materials, district procedures/polices will be followed, including the notification of district administration and local authorities.

  8. To contact police if the student is intoxicated, violent, verbally abusive, or out of control.

  9. To contact the Superintendent. (The School Board will be informed by the Superintendent's Office.)


Students, faculty, or staff can make referrals to the Student Services Team (SST). The SST consists of administrators, counselors, and health care providers employed by the school. This group of professionals will assess the situation and provide referral to other agencies. The Hopkinton Schools developed drug / alcohol / self esteem programs for students in our community.


  1. Students must follow guidelines set by the rehabilitation center and/or courts.

  2. Students must remain current in their schoolwork.

  3. Students must meet with a counselor once a week or more often.


  1. The school administration is responsible for including this policy in the student handbook and reviewing its contents with the faculty and student body.

  2. When a staff member receives information that a student in under the influence of drugs or alcohol, s/he will inform the administration immediately.

  3. The administration will confront the student in a non-judgmental way in order to determine whether or not the student needs immediate medical attention.

  4. When there appears to be a medical emergency regarding a student, the nurse and an ambulance will be called immediately.

  5. When the medical emergency is over, the principal will follow the "consequences" guidelines of this policy.

  6. When changes in student behavior over time suggest that a student has a problem that may be drug or alcohol related, and which is interfering with his or her work, this student will be referred to the drug and alcohol counselors.

  7. When a staff member sees a student use or has other evidence that a student has used alcohol or drugs in school s/he will bring this information and the student to the administration who will confront the student.

  8. When a staff member has information about or sees the transfer of drugs or alcohol, s/he will bring this information and the student to the administration who will confront the student.

  9. The administration will keep a log of disciplinary responses to drug and alcohol abuse.