Does Spaulding Prepare You for Life After School?

Students, parents, and even teachers always stress that schools need to prepare their kids for life after high school, so they can be successful in the real world and truly have a passion and the skills to succeed. But is the administration of these schools giving the kids education the right way and making each class a useful tool? I think you could say at Spaulding High School… there are a lot of different opinions.

At SHS, a growing topic is if Spaulding truly prepares you for life after you graduate. So I decided to ask the question to a handful of students here and the results were actually quite shocking. Out of 20 students that were asked only 4 said yes. 7 said no and then other 9 said somewhat or kind of.

Spaulding High School has many opportunities and offers a lot. But at the same time a lot of these opportunities you really can't even start getting involved in until you are an upperclassmen. There are so many required classes you need to take to make sure that you can graduate and be eligible to take these classes that offer so much to you and your future after HS. Many of the students feel that if they had more say in the classes they got to take that the opinion on this question would drastically change. But so many graduate high school having no idea what they want to pursue because they had to take a math or English class before they could take a tech center class that truly focuses on careers after HS.

Now I agree with the majority. I do feel like Spaulding does give you a good outlook on life after HS, but could it be better? 100%. If they let us take the classes we are interested in and the classes that will lead us in the right direction in the careers we want to pursue as students, I feel that would benefit us and the teachers. Because you don't have kids who don't want to be there and you are not putting a hassle on the teachers who have to try and give the kid an education when he doesn't even want to be there in the first place. But if you let students pick the classes they want to take and the classes they want to pursue, I feel you would see a much better outcome of students who think Spaulding High School does prepare you for life after high school.

Article by Cole Sullivan