All the Hype Wasn't Worth It

If you were like me, you were pushing for the end of school and the beginning of quarant-ation (quarantine vaca). But honestly this has been the worst few weeks of my life, and here's why. Listen up because you are probably facing the same problems and I can help with the solutions. Maybe when all of this gets cleared up, we can see the good impact that this time will have on us. Yes, it is bad right now, I understand, but here are some things that can help you live through quarant-ation.

One, all of your spring sports have been cancelled. It stinks, trust me I know. Do not worry because there are many things you can do to fill a portion of the emptiness left by the cancellation of your sport. If you run track, lucky for you the roads are your new track. Go for a run in your neighborhood, do some conditioning, or work on those biceps and triceps. Next, if you play lacrosse, get a net (Walmart is still open but wear a mask!) and practice your shot, if you have a backyard and a net, there’s no excuse for not sharpening up your skills! If you play softball, or baseball, get a net, or throw the ball around with your parents (six feet away, of course). See, there are plenty of ways to still play your sport under quarantine!

Two, you can not see your friends due to school cancellation. Now, this one is a tough one, a matter of personal opinion, so do not get angry. IF your friends are in your neighborhood (mine are so I am lucky) then go for a run, BUT make sure to separate yourself! Another cure to missing your best buds is distracting yourself. Get a new hobby, or learn something new. Get a paint by number (they are addicting), go skateboarding/penny boarding, or spend some quality time with the family. Luckily, with the generation we are in, we can easily group facetime with our best friends for hours on end, but nothing is as good as seeing them in person, I understand.

One thing is for sure, stay safe! Do not travel, stay in your house, and listen to the rules that have been put in place for YOUR safety! I hope these tricks have helped. One more thing, when all else fails, and it is a rainy day, Netflix is always there for you.

Article by Mia Baillargeon