McClelland Blizzard Bad Assignments with photo of school, mascot dressed for winter and district seal.

McClelland Blizzard Bag/Remote Learning Day Assignments

All Blizzard Bag/Remote Learning Day assignments are posted in students' grade level Google Classrooms.

Students should log in to their grade level Google Classroom each morning during Blizzard Bag/Remote Learning Days by 8:30 am to view assignments and expectations/times for Google Meet (live instruction).

Daily lesson plans (for parents) are located on grade level Google Classrooms.

Access to most applications or websites can be accessed through Clever single sign-on (
Click "log in as a student" and then log in with Google username and password.

Student login information for Google Classroom and other applications and websites has been sent home with students. If you need this information again please reach out to your child's classroom teacher or the main office (332-2180).