Title 1

What is Title I?

In 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) introduced the federal support program that would become known as Title I.  Title I, Part A provides financial assistance to local school systems and schools with high percentages of poor children to support the academic achievement of low-achieving students. Nearly all the school districts in New Hampshire receive Title I funds.

What makes a Title I school?
The identification of a school for Title I status is based upon the poverty level of the families and students who reside in the attendance area of the school. The designation as a Title I school has nothing to do with the academic level of the students in the school. It is strictly and solely based on the economics of the surrounding area.

How are schools selected to be Title I?
The percentage of free-lunch students determines the poverty level which determines whether or not a school is eligible to receive the added resources of Title I funding.

Which Portsmouth schools receive Title I funds?
New Franklin and Dondero Elementary Schools qualify for Title I funds.

How are students selected to receive Title I Services at Dondero which is a Targeted Title I School?
Students who are below grade level in reading are identified through teacher referral and a review of data from the administration of assessments used regularly throughout the District

How are students selected to receive Title I Services at New Franklin which is a Schoolwide Title I School?

All students at New Franklin can benefit from Title I funds. Funds can be used to provide supplemental support and services for all. 

How is Title I Funding used in Portsmouth’s Schools?
Adhering to Federal parameters for the use of Title I money, Portsmouth uses the funds to:

What are the key concepts of Title I?

Supplemental -- Services must be in addition to reading instruction with the classroom teacher.

Coordination -- Supplementary instruction is coordinated with classroom instruction. It is designed to re-teach, reinforce, or remediate. Instruction may also be to introduce or pre-teaching a skill, concept or vocabulary that will be presented in class.

Communication -- Communication between and among teachers and specialists. Communication with parents.

Parent Involvement -– Dondero parents receive Progress Reports from Title I teachers/tutors. Title I teachers are also available for conferences with parents.

Portsmouth Title I District Plan

New Franklin Home/School Compact

Principal: Joanne Simons

Title I Funded Staff

Angi Manning-Welch

Donna Turco

Samantha Holley

Dondero Title I Plan

Dondero Home/School Compact

Principal: Kate Callahan

Title I Funded Staff

Ann O'Connell

Hannah Gage

Megan Wilson

Kristine Pepp

Key Contacts

Portsmouth Title I Director: Joanne Simons.   jsimons@sau52.org

Portsmouth Homeless Liaison: Rick Matte.  rmatte@sau52.org

Portsmouth Assistant Superintendent: Patricia Haynes. phaynes@sau52.org