Tools and Tutorials

Video Tutorials

How your librarian can help you!

  • Help setting up a Google Classroom- We can be added as a co-teacher and help set up assignments and link videos, images, articles, doc

  • We can convert your Microsoft Word documents and other hard copies to Google Docs or PDFs to be attached to a Google Classroom

  • We can search for material to be used online to compliment your curriculum- if you share your assignment or unit with me, I will curate lessons, articles, websites, videos, images etc to help.

  • We can offer ideas of apps or online learning platforms to achieve certain teaching goals.

  • We can pretend to be a student in Google Classroom or with any new technology to do a trial run before using it with students.

  • We can suggest options for setting up assignments and delivering curriculum

  • We can create video tutorials on any topic you would like me to teach your students for you to upload to your classroom.

  • We can listen to your concerns and frustrations