Team Summit Social Studies  with Ms Connelly ❤️

Welcome to Team Summit, 7th Grade. I am excited to share this year with you, We will explore the world around us by diving  into the past, discussing the present and making connections with our lives and future. 

Carpe Diem!

Explore our world! Become a cartographer!😉


<----This slide show goes over the syllabus, grades and expectations for Team Summit Social Studies. Please go through all of it and if you have any questions, email, call or talk with me. 

Week at a Glance is found in Google Classroom for all students. 

See Resources.

About me

Why did I become a teacher? There are many reasons. I love traveling, learning and discovery and my students. Life is full of lessons and I had some great teachers who inspired me and I hope to inspire you! 

As we come together, I am so excited to get to know you and show you the world. I have traveled and hope you have too. Either way, we'll have a great year exploring and discovering the world together.

Examine the world, past, present and life. What is this? What do you notice? Why did this happen? Examine cause and effect. How do we know? Who was involved? When did this happen?  Why does this relate to us?


Guidance French Spanish -Marengo-  Belch - Phys Ed

HBMS Art Tech Ed - Mr Schmidt Computer    Library/Learning Center

Find me at MsChistory on Instagram