Directions to Sunapee High School
Basketball / Volleyball
Sherburne Gym
555 NH Route 11
Sunapee, NH 03782
Follow Route 104 West to Danbury.
Take a left onto US Route 4 to Andover.
Turn right onto Route 11 to New London.
Get on Interstate 89 North towards Lebanon.
Take Exit 12. Take a left onto Route 11 West.
After 5 miles, Sherburne Gym will be on the right
at the bottom of the hill.
Soccer / Baseball / Softball
Sunapee Middle-High School
10 North Road
Sunapee, NH 03782
Follow the directions to Sherburne Gym.
Take the first right after the gym onto Lower Main St.
After a half-mile, turn right onto North Rd.
Sunapee High School will be on your right.