Summer Math 2024
We hope you have a wonderful summer
filled with adventure and exploration!
Dear Students & Families,
We just wanted to share these great resources for you to look at this summer.
-The CW Math Team
Some Websites to visit:
Got Games?
Here are some of our recommendations below (in no specific order):
* Connect Four * Tangrams
* Othello * Countdown
* Mancala * Mastermind
* 24 Game * Simon
* Tower of Hanoi * Battleship
* Set * Toothpick Tricks
* Insanity (peg game) * Rush Hour
* Dominoes * Puzzles
* Uno * Blokus
* Qwirkle *Ticket to Ride
* Deck of cards for card games
(War, Addition War, Multiplication War, Oh No 99)
These games are not only fun, but they help students develop prerequisite math skills, such as pattern recognition, spatial orientation, visual clustering, sequencing, following multi-step directions, visual and auditory memory, logical deduction and number facts.
Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Eccleston, Clark-Wilkins Mathematics Specialists