Quarter One

Week of 9/4 - 9/7

Hero's Journey in Film and in Life

12 Stages of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey

Trace the Hero's Journey in a film of your choice (to be submitted to Turnitin.com)

Brainstorm the Hero's Journey in your own life (on sheet)

Write a personal narrative where you either dive into one stage in depth or you trace an event in your life through the stages of the journey. Due Sunday 9/9 by 11:59pm.

August 27 - 30

Monday - Get to know you ice breaker activity. Make name tags and decorate reading/writing journals

Tuesday - Set up Turnitin.com and go over syllabus for the course. Quick Write "relationship with reading / relationship with writing" and submit to Turnitin.com

Wednesday - Book talk Independent Reading Choices that deal with heroism. and talk about reading styles, rates, etc. (Books must be selected and in the classroom before the long weekend). Reading rate gage on computers to get baseline. Audible, Bookshare, Voice To Text and other technology available. Time for students to explore technology and see what works for their learning style.

Thursday - "If You Knew Me You Would Know" Freewrite - submit to Turnitin.com. Begin discussion of "Heroes" . - What is a hero? Types of Heroes etc. Brainstorm in groups using graphic organizer and then report out to the class. Independent Projects will involve exploration of heroism (Real life, personal heroes, super heroes, tragic heroes etc.). Start thinking about what you want to focus on for your project and what independent book you want to read/listen to as part of your project.

For Tuesday - You need to have picked a book - I can help, the librarians can help, Amazon or Goodreads can help.....think about what your'e interested in in terms of stories and style and go from there....