



Not so much as feeling then a state of being. This state is caused by something that surprises you, but ignites a fascination within you, something that is unexpected but manages to preoccupy a place in your mind for some time.

“A FEW YEARS AGO, I heard a wonderful story, which I’m very fond of telling. An elementary school teacher was giving a drawing class to a group of six-year-old children. At the back of the classroom sat a little girl who normally didn’t pay much attention in school. In the drawing class she did. For more than twenty minutes, the girl sat with her arms curled around her paper, totally absorbed in what she was doing. The teacher found this fascinating. Eventually, she asked the girl what she was drawing. Without looking up, the girl said, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” Surprised, the teacher said, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” The girl said, “They will in a minute.”

-Sir Ken Robinson.

Getty Challenge (part 1).m4v
Getty Challenge part 2.m4v
Bryan F Band Week 8 (May 11 - May 15) (May 14, 2020 at 11_36 AM).MOV
Auburn inspired line drawings.m4v

“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity."

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Gaby Antinerella

Lily Paradis

Ryleigh Belanger

Gavin Awesome things_001.mp4

“Don't waste inspiration”

― Salman Khan

Tyler Paradis

Aiden L IMG_5554.MOV

Aiden Labore

Kyle Shaw

“Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will being frustrated by it '' -Jim Rohn


“Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.” -Helen Keller