Grading Policy

Grading Scale

A+ = 97 - 100 A = 93 – 96 A- = 90 – 92 B+ = 87 – 89 B = 83 – 86 B- = 80 - 82 C+ = 77 – 79 C = 73 – 76 C- = 70 – 72 D = 65 – 69 F = 0 - 64

Progress Indicators Description

Progress Indicators reflect overall student progress toward grade level expectations.

  • 4 - Exceeds Expectations - The student, with relative ease, grasps, applies, generalizes, and extends key concepts, processes, and skills consistently and independently.
  • 3 - Meets Expectations - The student, with limited errors, grasps key concepts, processes, and skills for the grade‐level and understands and applies them effectively.
  • 2 - Approaching Expectations - The student is beginning to grasp key concepts, processes, and skills for the grade‐level, but demonstrates inconsistent understanding and application of concepts.

1 - Requires Ongoing Support - The student is yet to demonstrate understanding of grade‐level key concepts, processes and skills and requires additional time and support.

  • If a student is absent, he or she needs to make a plan upon return to school for making up any missed work. Students need to make up missed work within a reasonable time frame, following a basic guideline of the amount of time missed. For example, if a student misses one day of school, it is expected that they will make up any missed work within a day of return.
  • If a student earns a 64% or less on a test, it is strongly encouraged that the student retake the test. Tests will be given to students needing a parent signature if the test is a failing grade. The test should be returned to the teacher and the test retaken within 5 school days. Time needs to be scheduled before or after school (or during recess time) with the teacher in order to complete this retake.