What's new in PE and health?

We spent our last days of PE and health practicing our field day events and discussing ways to stay healthy, safe, and active this summer. Students also voted on their favorite ways to stay active. Please click the " Summer Activities" tab for local activities to keep your students moving this summer.

Congratulations to Mr. Hollock's 3rd grade class. They are the first annual fitness challenge winners for HMS. In every class, students completed fitness logs for being active, participating in organized sports, eating fruits and vegetables, and avoiding screen time. Students received 10 points for every log they submitted during the school year and 5 points for taking our "healthy testing pledge" during state testing. Mr. Hollock's class earned an impressive 3,385 points! Mrs. Ux's class was very close begin with 3,385 points. Congratulations!

Huge thank you to all of the parents and volunteers who helped us organize a wonderful field day. The day served as a celebration for the end of the school year and highlighted some of the skills the students have been practicing in PE this year. We were also lucky to have some businesses from out community come and share new ways for the students to stay active. Thank you to Murray Academy of Dance (Hooksett) for your irish step dancing lesson, Tokyo Joes (Hooksett) for the martial arts instruction, and USA Ninja Challenge (Manchester) for creating a fantastic challenge course for the students. Click the "Summer Activities" tab for more information on available classes and camps to keep your student moving!