Thursday 6/15

Spelling , fluency, Vocab

Math Worksheet 1 sided ( #7 is a challenge!)

Reading test tomorrow

Please check your child's assignment book each night for their homework assignment(s) and be sure to sign off on their "Homework Record Sheet."

Homework is an essential way to practice skills that we are working on. We will often have homework assignments Monday through Thursday of each week. However, it is important that students study for tests on a weekend. This may include math, social studies, or science tests. There may also be some short and/or long-term projects throughout the year. Each student should spend about 50 minutes each night on homework. Should your child be spending well over the recommended time, please be sure to "stop" them to avoid frustration. Homework could include any work that was not completed during class and/or a regular homework assignment.

Thank you for your continued commitment to your child's learning!