Grade 6 Language Arts

I am about to embark on my thirty-eighth year of teaching. Twenty-eight of the years have been in Hooksett. If I am not in my classroom, I am either spending time with my family, golfing, walking, taking photos, or reading. I am eager to begin the year. Teaching sixth grader is amazing. The kids always keep me on my toes. The best way to contact me is to email Communication is the key to your child's success.

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The language arts program focuses on the teaching of writing and reading. We use the Holt McDougal literature series which is based on the Common Core State Standards. Visit to check out the Common Core State Standards. These standards define cross-disciplinary literacy expectations that must be met for students to be prepared to enter college and workforce training programs ready to succeed. Independent reading is an important part of language arts. Students will be expected to always be reading a book of their choice. Throughout the year, they will be expected to write responses to their reading. This assignment will be a dialogue between teacher and student celebrating their reading journeys. Please encourage your child to read. Discuss what they are reading with them, so they know you value the importance of reading. Students will also be introduced to many styles of writing during their sixth grade year.