Frequently Asked Questions

How do students check out books?

Students have the opportunity to check out books during every library class. Students in Kindergarten and First grade may check out one book at a time. Second graders may check out two books at a time. In addition, the Library has an OPEN EXCHANGE time each morning from 8:40 – 9:10.

What if a student can’t find their library book?

We understand that books can go missing. We teach all our students that the best way to make sure you return your library book on time is to put it in a safe place at home. But if a book cannot be located after every effort has been made, we will send home a notice with the next steps to be taken.

What happens if a library book gets damaged?

The simplest way to prevent books from getting wet or damaged is to use the labeled plastic bag provided by our library. We lose library books every year to damage from leaky juice boxes, condensation from water bottles, or a backpack placed on wet ground. We would love your help in protecting our books, but we will reach out with further steps to be taken should a book be damaged.