Welcome to

6th Grade Social Studies!

Open House


Welcome to Social Studies

Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

This year we will explore the ancient civilizations of our world. We will study the origins of civilization, world religions, the literature and the arts, stories of scientific progress and technological change, and the rise and fall of varying political powers so we can have a better perspective on our place in the vast unfolding of histories.

Some of the topics we will investigate through primary sources and secondary sources include:


"Cave Men" and Early Human Ancestors


Ancient Egypt

Ancient and Early India

Ancient and Early China

Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

World Religions

This year students will study the fields of social science:








Political Science


Required materials

  1. A 3-ring binder (about 1-inch or larger)
  2. White lined paper
  3. Black or blue pen and a pencil
  4. At least 25 protector sleeves for important documents
  5. Our Textbook: Journey Across Time:The Early Ages (distributed first week of school)
  6. An open mind

Desired materials: (I strive to keep these on hand for in class use at all times, but students may bring their own)

  1. Colored Pencils
  2. Markers
  3. Tissues

My contact information

Katy Devine, M.Ed.

Students and parents are encouraged to reach out at any time with a question, comment or concern. I can be reached at kdevine@sau15.net.