
Homework is a way to reinforce concepts learned at school in a home setting and to collaborate with family members. Homework folders will go home on the first school day of the week. Information about assignments will be included. Homework will be due on the last school day of the week.

Homework this week includes spelling practice and nightly reading.

Reading - Second graders are expected to read for 5-15min a night. Remember this can be done through a shared reading with your child or your child can read independently.

Spelling - The November activities page has gone home this week to give you some ideas for engaging ways to practice the spelling words. Please keep this at home to use all month. Your child is responsible for the 10 words at the top of their spelling list, their extra word that is highlighted, and the words in the sentence (focusing on the high frequency words). The challenge & vocab words are extra credit IF you feel your child is ready for that step. You do not need to return any written spelling practice to me unless you would like to - then of course I will look it over!

Just A Tip: The ten words at the top will follow a different "spelling pattern" each week - feel free to deviate from this list and see if your child can practice other words that follow this spelling pattern. If they can apply what they've learned, this will tell you if they have a true understanding of this week's pattern.

Math - Make sure to notice each week's particular strategy and help your child apply it when completing the practice. We should be seeing less use of their fingers and more use of mental math strategies. Also, please make sure your child reads and follows all the directions on the page. Thank you!

Homework Log

November Spelling Activities

Reading Log Template Below: