Questions to Ask

During Homework Help

The best way for families to help with mathematics homework is to ask good questions, allowing students to engage in their own mathematical thinking. When your child asks for help with math, try some of these questions or comments.

  • What is the problem you’re working on?

  • Let’s look at it.

  • What do the directions say?

  • What words or directions don’t you understand?

  • Where do you think you should begin?

  • What do you already know that can help you work through the problem?

  • Show me what you’ve done so far.

  • Where can we find help in your textbook or notes?

  • Are there similar problems to look at?

  • Let’s try drawing a picture or making a diagram.

  • What did the teacher ask you to do?

  • What problems like this one have you had before?

  • Tell me where you’re stuck.

  • Who can you call to get help?

  • Let’s try it using a calculator.

  • Let’s skip this problem and go on to another.

  • Why don’t we look for some help on the Internet?

  • Can you go in before or after school for help from your teacher?

  • Should we tackle this another time?