
List of services

Enviroment Enrichment and Conservation

(i) Plantation of trees, their preservation and upkeep

(ii) Prevention of soil erosion, and work for soil conservation,

(iii) Construction & maintenance of village streets, drains, etc

(iv) leaning of village ponds and wells;

Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition Programme:

(i) Working with people in nutrition programmes with the help of Home Science and medical college students;

(ii) Provision of safe and clean drinking water;

(iii) tegrated child development programmes;

(iv)Health education, AIDS Awareness and preliminary health care.

(v) Population education and family welfare programme;

(vi) Life style education centres and counseling centres.

Programmes aimed at creating an awareness for improvement of the status of women

(i)Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

(ii)Programmes of educating people and making them aware of women's rights both constitutional and legal;