Home Learning: Supporting Your Child at Home
SASM is a school that embraces technology for learning. All pupils have their own Chromebook to use in school. Pupils and teachers share a virtual Google Classroom, where ideas, resources and home learning tasks are shared. Pupils can access their Google Classroom, their files and productivity tools using G-Suite. We also use a range of apps and programs to support learning such as TTRockstars, Spelling Shed and Reading Eggs
Weekly Home Learning
Tasks which must be completed:
Spelling Shed - spelling words will be assigned on a Monday in preparation for a dictation task on Friday. We encourage children to practise these words every day for up to 15 minutes.
Recording reading in the planner - Children are expected to read their colour-banded book at home every day. They must then record this in their planner. Your child should write in their planner themselves and should include: the name of the book, pages read and a short comment about what they have read. Children must write in the box for the day the planner will be marked in school e.g. if they read on Monday night, they should write in Tuesday's box as this is when it will be marked. All children are expected to complete 5 entries in their planner over the week.
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) - this app is focused on pupils learning their times tables, which is key for their success in maths. Whilst there is no set-time pupils need to spend on TTRS, they must engage with this at home at least once every week. It is well-loved by pupils and many play TTRS at home daily!
Optional learning to support pupils at home:
Reading Eggspress - in Week 1, all children will complete a baseline task; this will ensure they are set home learning which is appropriate to their reading level and will move at their own pace.
Maths: Key-instant-recall-facts (KIRFs). These key facts support pupils' learning in class and helps them grasp the curriculum much faster. All of the KIRFs for the year can be found on our maths page
Downloading apps and accessing services
How to log in to Spelling Shed (used as part of English home learning):
Time guide: 10-15 minutes daily
There is a ‘Spelling Shed’ app but this is not linked with school accounts so please only use the web browser for completing home learning and don’t buy the app. On your login information, ignore the code #124467: this is our school code and not your child's login (in the event you cannot find our school on the system)
What does my child need to do?
The children will be set one assignment a week to allow them to practise the spelling rule they’ve learnt in school that week. When you click on ‘assignment’, you are taken to a screen that displays a number of tiles under the categories "spelling practice", "word games" and "bonus games". Your child can choose which category to spend time on – we encourage them to spend a little time on all of the available games.
There is no ‘end point’ to assignments. We expect children to spend 10-15 minutes a day practising the spelling rule via the assignment. The assignment will end when a new spelling rule has been taught in school.
Does my child need to complete a particular difficulty level?
Your child can choose a difficulty level, (easy, medium, hard or extreme) for their assignment of the week. These are all based on their assigned spelling rule this week.
What do the 'progress' and 'status' headings mean?
For more information on this, visit this page of Spelling Shed's website
What else can my child do on Spelling Shed?
If your child wishes to explore other spelling rules, they can do so by using the drop down menu entitled “scheme”. There are different stages to choose from and a stage = year. For example Stage 3 = Year 3 spelling rules.
How to log in to Reading Eggs (used as part of English home learning):
Time guide: 30-45 minutes weekly
What does my child need to do?
Your child will be set an assignment from their teacher each week; this needs to be completed before any other part of Reading Eggs can be accessed. Pupils work their way through the assignment. If pupils score less than 80%, Reading Eggs will prompt your child to repeat the exercise.
We have been advised by Reading Eggs that there is a glitch that the assignment might be restarted, even if a pupil scores more than 80%. If this occurs, please log out of the system, leave it for a short period of time and log back in again. You can then dismiss the task. If this persists, please contact Reading Eggs support: https://readingeggs.co.uk/schools/contact-us/
How to log in to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS):
Time guide: no set limit but pupils must complete some TTRS weekly