Newsletter 6 Summer Term

22nd May 2024

St Andrew’s and St Mark’s 

Church of England Junior School

“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.” John 10:10 

-School News- 

Our Instagram feed displays photos of school events. Click or tap on a photo to find out more:

If you would like your child to have the opportunity to be featured on our Instagram page, please update the parental consent on the SIMs Parent App and ensure permission to be posted on social media is ticked.

Message from the Headteacher

We have reached the end of another half term; it feels as though the school year is flying past. This week has been a fantastic celebration of living and active life and trying new activities, which you can read about below. Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came to support some of our events this week and well done to all of our pupils, who have lived out our Christian value of perseverance this week.

We would like to remind you that Monday 3rd June is an INSET - the school is not open to pupils on this day. The first day back at school for pupils is Tuesday 4th June. Have a restful half term break. 

Sports Week

Here is what has been happening across the school:

Monday - Personal Bests

On Monday, the entire school took part in circuit of athletics on the playground, including: the bounce mat challenge; javelin; hurdles; a bean bag throw; long jump; football dribbling and many more. Pupils had been practising these skills in PE lesson throughout this half term, so it was great to see if they could beat their personal best. 

Tuesday - Sports Day

Yesterday, the school took to the park to participate in Sports Day. Classes competed against each other in a host of races. Particularly thanks goes to our ex-SASM Year 7 pupils, who returned from Hollyfield School, to help run the event. It was brilliant to see pupils cheer on their peers and show perseverance and acceptance, even if they didn't win a race. 

Year 3 - Karate

Learning is more than just academic study, it also includes applying yourself to try new things. Today, Year 3 received a taster karate lesson, which they thoroughly enjoyed!

Year 5 - Dragon Boat Racing

Braving the weather, Year 5 took to the Thames in a Dragon Boat. Working in teams and learning about how to work in synchronisation, the year group completed in short races. 

In addition to all of this, pupils have been studying the history of the Olympics and a football-themed reading lesson. During the rest of the week, Year 6 are looking forward to a kayaking adventure whilst Years 5 and 6 will be taking part in a yoga workshop. 

Our thanks go to Miss Moore - our PE lead- for organising an action-packed week for our pupils. 

40 CVPs Pizza Lunch and 50 CVPs non-uniform days

On Monday, Mr Gates and Mrs Crowther welcomed our next 12 pupils and their friends who have been awarded at least 40 Christian Value Points (CVPs) this year. 

Pupils received a pizza lunch and were able to relax with their friends. It was also brilliant to see Summer and Juliette in non-uniform to celebrate being awarded 50 CVPs. Congratulations!

Here Comes Summer!

The PTA are proud to launch SASMSummerFest24 with a lolly & ice cream sale in the playground after school this Friday afternoon. All lollies/frozen yoghurt tubs will cost £1 and can be paid for in cash or by card.


There will be two main events this term:

SummerFest24 will take place on Friday 28th June, 1.30pm-3.15pm. All children will join the festival and have free access to a range of games, activities and entertainments. This will be a cash free event but for a donation to the PTA (via ParentMail) you can buy tokens for your child to spend on snacks, drinks, tombolas and additional activities. Parents and family members will be able to join the event from 2.30pm. Pupils will return to their classes and will be released at the end of the school day as normal. Please be aware that parents and carers will not be able to leave with their children before the end of the school day.  

To run SASMFest 24 we will need lots of willing and enthusiastic helpers. If you are able to help out during the run up to the event or on the day, please submit the Google Form that will be coming home via ParentMail.


We will be holding a grand prize raffle and tickets will be sent home after half term.

SASM Rocks24 will take place after school on Monday 15th July. SASM RockSquad bands will be performing  3.30-4.30pm and accompanied children and their families will be able to watch the performances, buy food, snacks, drinks and visit the festival shop/get glittery. The summer raffle will be drawn at 4.30pm. Please note that only children accompanied by parents/carers will be able to stay for this event. This is a PTA event and is not run by the school.

Mufti Days:

Courageous advocacy - looking after our planet.

Abby (4B) has displayed our Christian value of service this week and has been inspired to launch a campaign urging others to pick up and bin any litter they find on the Daily Mile.

Mental Health Support Team – Online Workshops

Achieving for Children’s Mental Health Support Teams are delivering a series of webinars for parents of primary aged children. The ‘Helping Children with …’ webinars will cover a range of common difficulties experienced by children and will aim to share evidence-based strategies to help parents and carers support their children with these difficulties. 

Please follow this link to see a list of webinars on offer over the coming months. In the third and fourth columns of the table you will find the sign up links.

Reminder:  Class Collective Worship

Parents and carers of children in 3M are invited to attend Class Collective Worship this week on Friday 24th May (9.00am - 9.15am).  You can join us in the school playground from 8.30am and you will be invited into the school hall for a 9.00am start. 


Please note:  We do not permit any photos and videos to be taken during Class Collective Worship.

Reminder:  Relationships and Sex Education lessons  

Following our parent and carer meetings for each year group in April, the lessons regarding 'relationships' have been completed in summer 1 and in summer 2 will move onto the topic of 'changing me'.  

For more information regarding RSE, please visit the following page of our website and refer to the ParentMail sent by the school.

Oracy in action at home! 

As part of Sports Week, we have been learning about the Olympic Games. This week, we're asking you to consider, if you had to take part in the Olympics in Paris, which events would you like to be a part of? Would you like to dabble in diving, or perhaps aim for archery?

Check out the official list of all 32 events. What are your top 5 choices? And which 5 events would you least fancy your chances at...?

Congratulations to Luca PL and Eddie H (6PM) who recently won the Redhill Football Club tournament with their team.

Last weekend Luca received the Manager’s Player Trophy for the season. Despite a challenging time, it provided many opportunities for growth and learning and Luca feels he has become more resilient through this experience.  Well done.  

Team EB - raising funds to find a cure

To find out more about EB and why it is such an horrendous condition to live with, or to donate to the cause, please visit Team EB - raising funds to find a cure! 

Beyond Fussy Eating

Beyond Fussy Eating is a new online programme for families of children who have feeding difficulties.  Please follow this link for further information. 

-This Week's Notices- 

                                                        -Repeat notices-

Wrap Around Care

To pre-book places in wrap around care for the Breakfast Club and After School Club for April to July 2024 please follow this link to our website. 

Parenting Course for 4-11 year olds 

The ADHD Embrace Team are running a new 6 week parenting course (8th May - 19th June); Maximising Cooperation, Self Reliance and Self Esteem.  Please click here for further details and to book a place. 

CAMHS Autism and ADHD screening/assessment process: information for parents and carers 

Videos have been developed by Kingston and Richmond CAMHS Single Point of Access (SPA) and Your Healthcare. 

The aim is to increase parent/carer understanding and confidence around the local pathway to seeking a diagnostic assessment for Autism and/or ADHD within CAMHS. 

These information videos are aimed at parents and carers of young people who are registered with GPs in Kingston and Richmond.

You can view the all the videos and associated content on the Kingston and Richmond SEND Local Offer

Achieving for Children is now registered to offer National Autistic Society (NAS) Teen Life programme

Teen Life, an NAS (National Autistic Society) programme for parents and carers of children aged 10 to 16 years with a diagnosis of autism. The programme will run for 8 consecutive weeks and sessions are 2.5 hours. 

Session topics are:

Please be aware that NAS guidelines state that AfC are able to have a maximum number of 8 parent groups attending this course.

There is a waiting list in place for this group and places will be offered as per the waiting list. 

Parents can register their interest in the new programme by contacting Karen Williams on Email

Activity Fund applications are open 

The purpose of the Activity Fund is to help provide children and young people with disabilities with a Short Break. 

Most applications are made by the parent/carer. A professional such as a Social Worker, Family Support Worker or school SENCO can also apply on behalf of a parent/carer.

The amount of funding available per child, per year (1 April to the 31 March) is £140. Only one application can be made per year.

Read more about Activity Fund and how it can be used 

Find out about activities especially for children and young people with SEND

Kooth: mental health support for young people for children aged 10+

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community with helpful articles, discussion boards and a friendly team to talk to. The service is for children and young people aged 10-21 years and is recommended by our local authority mental health support team and school nurses.

Children can sign up for Kooth online and it is an anonymous service. Our year 6 pupils are made aware of this service in year 6 as part of their PSHE lessons and it can provide some useful wellbeing support for children outside of school.

Home learning support

Our home learning webpage includes step-by-step guides to signing into each app as well as answers to frequently-asked questions.

Autism and Sleep

For an information booklet about autism and sleep, please click here.   

Safer Schools App

We would encourage all parents/carers to download the Safer Schools app for free push notifications about online safety and helpful advice. You can download the app using the instructions here. 

Do you have concerns about a child?

Adults - you can contact the Single Point of Access to request support, or to report a concern about a child or young person. Click here to make a referral.  You can also call for advice. Opening hours: From 8am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Friday call 020 8547 5008  (Out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000). If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999. Referrals are not limited to safeguarding: the Single Point of Access acts as a signposting service to other services, including mental health. Matt Gates is our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

-What's New? Community Groups-

Click the 'Community Groups' button to see all community notices:

-School reminders-

Pupil Premium Grants

For the first time, all pupils at SASM are entitled to receive a free school lunch. To enable your child to access this, you must book your child's lunch via 

If you were previously eligible for means tested free school meals or are in receipt of any of the following benefits...  

...your child maybe eligible for a Pupil Premium Grant. This will gives your child access to: 

This gives your child access to:

... and much more!

In order to make this possible, our school receives funding for every pupil signed up. If you think you might be eligible please sign up as soon as possible here.

Please contact the school office if you have any issues with activating an account.   

Parking outside SASM

If you are driving to drop your children off or pick them up from school, please park considerately on the surrounding roads.  Please don't park over driveways or over the zig zag lines. This helps keep everyone safe.

We have received reports from local residents of dangerous parking and verbal unkindness from some parents and carers. Please help us to be a positive part of our local community. Whilst the school is not responsible for enforcing street parking, we have advised our local community to report all instances of poor parking or behaviour to the police.

Attendance reminder: being late to school

Punctuality is an important life skill that is required in order to achieve and to succeed. Children must be in school by 8.45am each day. Children who arrive after that time but before the end of registration must come into the building via the main office, where they will be coded as late (this appears as an 'L code' on the register). Children will be marked late if they arrive at school after the gates have closed but before 8:55am, when the registers have been taken. 

If a pupil arrives after 8:55am, the register is closed and attendance after this time is considered to be an unauthorised absence and is recorded as a 'U code', which shows as a 'X' on the SIMS Parent App.

The school gates will be shut by 8.45am. Persistent lateness will be monitored by the school and may be reported to the E.W.O. (Education Welfare Officer) after the school’s initial interventions.

No toys in school, please!

We would like to remind parents and carers that pupils are not permitted to bring their own toys or collectables into school. Not only do toys provide a distraction from pupils' learning, there is a potential for personal items to be misplaced. Please be aware that any lost toys, collectible cards or other play items are beyond the responsibility of the school.

Time for summer uniform

As the summer term begins, pupils may now wear summer uniform. This includes a polo shirt, summer dress and shorts for PE (as shown in the picture) and should continue to be worn until the end of the October half term.

Please also ensure your child wears smart black shoes on non-PE days. If your child is not in school with the correct uniform they may be giving alternatives from our newly-new stock. 

Insect bites and pollen count

As we enter the summer term and warmer weather begins, more of our pupils will be wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts. This coincides with an increase in the bug population. 

Whilst we always monitor our school site with regular health and safety checks, our playground, which includes our astrotruf - is outdoors.  Pupils will spend more time outside, both when at school and away from school.  

Preventative measures that can be taken at school and elsewhere is to cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeved shirts and long trousers, as well as reminding children to be careful around flowering plants. Similarly, the pollen count is set to increase, particularly for grass, triggering some allergies. 

Here is some more information from the NHS about insect bites and hayfever:  and 


Children can wear watches to school but the wearing of jewellery and earrings of all types is not permitted on safety grounds.  Any child wearing earrings to school will be asked to remove them.  If they are unable to remove them they will be required to stay inside during break and lunch times and will not be able to participate in any PE or physical activities. 

Smart Watches

Fitness trackers without smart watch capability are permitted but St Andrew’s and St Mark’s accept no responsibility for the loss or damage of these items. Smart watches , including iWatches- are not permitted due to their messaging capabilities. 

Lost Property

Please remember to label your child’s uniform, lunch box and water bottle.  All named lost property will be returned to your child by the next school day.  Unlabelled property will be kept for one week only in the school office. 


Road safety for children

If your child walks to school on their own, it is important they know how to cross roads, including  zebra crossings safely. Please click here for more information about Road Safety for children.


Unwell and absent children 

If your child is unwell and absent from school please contact the school office before 10am. If you need to leave a message on the answerphone please explain the symptoms of your child’s illness. Siblings of unwell children should attend school.