Newsletter 5 Spring Term

7th February 2024

St Andrew’s and St Mark’s 

Church of England Junior School

“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.” John 10:10 

-School News- 

Our Instagram feed displays photos of school events. Click or tap on a photo to find out more:

If you would like your child to have the opportunity to be featured on our Instagram page, please update the parental consent on the SIMs Parent App and ensure permission to be posted on social media is ticked.


We are delighted to share with you all, that Lottie Miller Staines was born on Thursday 1st February. We are sure you will join us in congratulating Mrs Staines and her family on their new arrival.


We are have an exciting opportunity for a School Business Manager to join our team.  Please click here for further details (closing date for applications: Monday 26th February 2024 at 8.00am). 

We are currently seeking a Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant including lunchtime supervision to start in June 2024. If you are interested in learning more about this position and joining our incredible staff team click here (closing date for applications: Monday 13th May 2024 at 8.00am)

Oracy Week 

This week at SASM, the theme has been on speaking and listening, as well as leadership. Pupils have been taking ownership of key aspects of school life. 

On Monday, our SASM MPs lead worship - 'My Voice Matters'. Linked to national Children's Mental Health Week, the worship was all about understanding how powerful our words and listening skills can be used to empower our wellbeing.   Year 5 pupils have been busy creating 'SASM FM': a new school radio station whilst pupils in Years 3 and 4 have been completing oracy activities as part of the themed week. 

The highlight of the week is on Friday, where pupils lead our 'Mini Market' to act out the Christian value of service and raise funds for the Bishops' Lent Call. We will also be announcing the results of our 'Headteacher for a Day' project.

Oracy in Action!

Following on from our speaking and listening activities in class this week, we would like to invite you to participate in our new weekly newsletter event: Oracy at Home.

Why is improving my child's levels of spoken language so important? 

Strong spoken language skills serve as one of the most robust indicators of a child’s future opportunities. Elevated levels of oracy directly link to increased academic achievements, enhanced wellbeing, heightened confidence and prospects for future employability. 

Help us to help your child by looking out for our weekly "Oracy at Home" conversation starters and talk-based activities, designed to help build your child's level of spoken language. 

This week: Half-Term Vloggers!


Author Visit

It was fantastic to be visited by Banji Alexander on Monday. Banji tweeted (or X-ed?) his visit and our pupils were captivated by his discussion. We have seen so many pupils begin to read his book.

Year 6 visit to Morden Mosque  

On Tuesday, Year 6 visited the Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden - the largest mosque in the UK - to consolidate their RE topic of, 'How and why do Muslims uphold their faith by giving commitment to Allah'. Pupils have been reflecting on the term 'values' and have made connections between what they have studied and their own values.

Headteacher for a Day!

This week sees the return of the hotly-anticipated, 'Headteacher for a Day'. It is the fourth year we have run this event, which gives Year 6 pupils the opportunity to campaign for the position of Headteacher. This event is also designed to allow all pupils to participate in democracy in action, a key part of our British Values.

In the build-up to the week, Year 6 pupils have been studying persuasive writing, culminating in each pupil creating their own manifesto speech. 4 shortlisted speeches were then orated to the year group and a final list of candidates has been selected. Congratulations to Saaz, James, Seita, Izzy, Lyla and Ava  - this year's final candidates!

Tomorrow, our candidates take part in a hustings event in front of the school and form a campaign team around them. Campaign teams are made up of volunteers from across the school. After a vigorous day of campaigning all pupils visit our specially-created Polling Station to cast their votes. 

The winner will be announced in our final Celebration Collective Worship on Friday. After half term, our winner will become the Headteacher for a Day and will work with Mr Gates to take on the role and deliver on their manifesto pledges. Good luck!

Year 3 and 4 girls' football competition

Today, some of our Years 3 and 4 girls took part in a football competition at Richmond and Kew Football Club. This was a pathway competition with 10-minute matches. The team worked exceptionally well to achieve 2nd place. Congratulations!

'It was so fun, we got all the way to the final!  It was such a good experience.' Summer (4G) 

‘We may not have won but we are winners anyway.’ Juliette (4B)

'Even if we lost, we still reached the final!  We even got medals for second place in the tournament.' Claire (4H)

‘I’m really proud of my team to have come 2nd !!! It was an amazing experience. Thank you Mr Dommett and Mrs Morgan.’ Farah (4B)

The 2024-2025 planner competition is open!

On Friday, Mr Gates introduced this year's planner competition. The competition challenges pupils to submit their original artwork for the cover of next year's planner. The prize is simple: the winning design is featured on every pupils' planner next year! 

The details of what needs to be included on the design has been shared with every pupil via their Google Classroom. We are always astounded by the quality of the entries we receive.

Pupils need to give their design to the school office. The closing date is Monday 26th February 2024 at 3.30pm. 

Reminder:  Mini Market on Friday

The Mini Market- a highlight in the SASM year - returns this week on Friday 9th February. Thank you for all of the help and support you have given to your children in putting their stall together; it is a really rewarding experience for them to work as a team and run the event. 

As shared in our previous communications, family members can join us at 11.00am until 11.30am to see the Mini Market in action; please bring loose change/cash to spend. 

No nuts are allowed to be bought into school (including sweets and chocolates which have nuts i.e. Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, and Snicker bars) and all homemade food and drink items must have the ingredients clearly listed and displayed on them. 

Friday is also a non-uniform day for all pupils. The Mini Market still takes place in wet weather so do make sure your child brings a coat to school on Friday.

Safeguarding at SASM - we would like to hear your voice!

Emma Clarke, an Education Advisor from Achieving for Children, recently visited our school to lead a safeguarding review. We commissioned this review as part of our standard best practice. As part of the review, we are seeking the views of parents and carers about safeguarding in our school. 

Please click on the survey response link here to add your voice to the review.  We would love to hear from as many of you as possible - Emma has only receieved 2 responses so far.

More information about how we keep pupils safe and safeguarding at SASM can be found on the website. 

What is SEND and how are SEND pupils supported at SASM?

Sarah Crowther and Emily Woodward will be running an informal coffee/workshop for all parents/carers on Friday 23rd February 8.45am - 10.00am where they will present;

There will also be the chance for a discussion and Q&A.  

Please complete this form if you would like to attend. 

Please note, on this occasion it will not be possible to join this meeting via Google Meet.

Beyond Fussy Eating

Beyond Fussy Eating is a new online programme for families of children who have feeding difficulties.  Please follow this link for further information. 

-This Week's Notices- 

Book here using code: SCHOOLFREE

Thames Music Theatre is a new theatre company aimed at young people in SW London, Surrey and nearby areas. It has been founded by professionals in the world of music theatre, including the founder of the National Youth Music Theatre. Their first show will be this summer in the Rose Theatre in Kingston upon Thames, and will be a hilarious music comedy set in Roman-occupied Lancashire and will be huge fun! They are looking for aspiring actors aged 10-16 to audition for this, with preliminary audition slots in early February and main rehearsals outside of term-time. 

Please visit their website for more information and to submit an application.

Signing at Regency Bookshop 

with Isadora Moon author Harriet Muncaster 

Date:  Tuesday 13th February 2024

Time:  2.30pm - 3.30pm 

To book tickets:   Please click here 

Surbiton Literary Festival 

Meet Laura Ellen Anderson - creator of Marnie Midnight

Date:  Saturday 24th February 2024

Time:  2.30pm - 4.30pm 

To book tickets:  Please click here

Apply at  or contact

Family Concert at the Rose Theatre on Sunday 24th March

Oompah Brass entertain their audiences with high-octane renditions of well-known rock and pop favourites, as well as introducing the intricacies of each instrument to the children, each member of the group showing off their instrument and its characteristics. The perfect way to start the day! 


Oompah Brass are one of the busiest brass quintets in the UK, performing over 100 shows a year, in everything from school classes to Oktoberfest audiences of over 6000 people. They are the original exponents of 'Oompop', the clever re-working of rock and pop classics onto brass instruments and continue to lead the way. Oompah Brass are very keen and active educators, and run many school workshops every year, introducing the next generation to the joys of making music on brass.


Tickets are going fast, so book now at the Rose Theatre website:

Adults £10, Concessions £6.

Message for parents - Kingston Children and Young People's Plan 

Kingston Council is developing a new Children and Young People's Plan. It's being co-produced with children and young people, and will set out priorities for Kingston children and young people from 2024-2027. Its aim is to focus on the needs of all children and young people aged up to 19 years old (up to 25 for anyone with SEND or who have been in care) who live, study or work in Kingston. Kingston Council would like children, young people and parents of very young children to tell them what's important to include in the plan. There is a short survey so you can have your say, and a chance to win a £10 Love2Shop gift card by completing the survey today!  The link to the survey is here.

Book your place on KickstART - go to Linktree. 

Book your place on FOCUS - Chinese New Year sessions in Linktree.

                                                        -Repeat notices-

Kooth: mental health support for young people for children aged 10+

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community with helpful articles, discussion boards and a friendly team to talk to. The service is for children and young people aged 10-21 years and is recommended by our local authority mental health support team and school nurses.

Children can sign up for Kooth online and it is an anonymous service. Our year 6 pupils are made aware of this service in year 6 as part of their PSHE lessons and it can provide some useful wellbeing support for children outside of school.

Wraparound Childcare Programme - parent/carer survey

What is the Wraparound Childcare Programme?

Wraparound care is before and after school childcare for primary school aged children. The Wraparound Childcare Programme aims to increase the availability of wraparound childcare places, so that all families can access childcare between 8.00am - 6.00pm and therefore allow parents to continue, or enter employment. 

Achieving for Children is looking for parents and carers to share their requirements, in relation to wraparound childcare, to support our planning for September 2024. You can access the survey here: 

Making a difference within our community

Surbiton Community Fridge is joining forces with Surbiton High School to donate products on the first Thursday of each month from 3.30pm until 5.00pm at the Community Fridge, 115 Brighton Road, Surbiton. 

Families receiving free school meals are invited to attend.  To receive products you will be kindly asked to complete a brief registration form.  Please click here for further details. 

Home learning support

Our home learning webpage includes step-by-step guides to signing into each app as well as answers to frequently-asked questions.

Clubs and Wrap-Around Care

We have a fantastic offer of after-school clubs, Breakfast Club and After-School Care. On Friday, our club offer for the Autumn Term will be sent via ParentMail. Please remember to book your child into Breakfast Club and After-School Care in advance of them attending.

Autism and Sleep

For an information booklet about autism and sleep, please click here.   

Safer Schools App

We would encourage all parents/carers to download the Safer Schools app for free push notifications about online safety and helpful advice. You can download the app using the instructions here. 

Safeguarding Hub  

This week the Safeguarding Hub have a special Safer Internet Day edition. 

Do you have concerns about a child?

Adults - you can contact the Single Point of Access to request support, or to report a concern about a child or young person. Click here to make a referral.  You can also call for advice. Opening hours: From 8am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Friday call 020 8547 5008  (Out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000). If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999. Referrals are not limited to safeguarding: the Single Point of Access acts as a signposting service to other services, including mental health. Matt Gates is our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

-What's New? Community Groups-

Click the 'Community Groups' button to see all community notices:

-School reminders-

Pupil Premium Grants

For the first time, all pupils at SASM are entitled to receive a free school lunch. To enable your child to access this, you must book your child's lunch via 

If you were previously eligible for means tested free school meals or are in receipt of any of the following benefits...  

...your child maybe eligible for a Pupil Premium Grant. This will gives your child access to: 

This gives your child access to:

... and much more!

In order to make this possible, our school receives funding for every pupil signed up. If you think you might be eligible please sign up as soon as possible here.

Please contact the school office if you have any issues with activating an account.   

Parking outside SASM

If you are driving to drop your children off or pick them up from school, please park considerately on the surrounding roads.  Please don't park over driveways or over the zig zag lines. This helps keep everyone safe.

We have received reports from local residents of dangerous parking and verbal unkindness from some parents and carers. Please help us to be a positive part of our local community. Whilst the school is not responsible for enforcing street parking, we have advised our local community to report all instances of poor parking or behaviour to the police.

Attendance reminder: being late to school

Punctuality is an important life skill that is required in order to achieve and to succeed. Children must be in school by 8.45am each day. Children who arrive after that time but before the end of registration must come into the building via the main office, where they will be coded as late (this appears as an 'L code' on the register). Children will be marked late if they arrive at school after the gates have closed but before 8:55am, when the registers have been taken. 

If a pupil arrives after 8:55am, the register is closed and attendance after this time is considered to be an unauthorised absence and is recorded as a 'U code', which shows as a 'X' on the SIMS Parent App.

The school gates will be shut by 8.45am. Persistent lateness will be monitored by the school and may be reported to the E.W.O. (Education Welfare Officer) after the school’s initial interventions.

Bringing valuable items to school

Expensive 'Air Up' bottles are becoming regular features in some classrooms. Should such items be bought to school and become lost or broken, the school will not be responsible for this. 

No toys in school, please!

We would like to remind parents and carers that pupils are not permitted to bring their own toys or collectables into school. Not only do toys provide a distraction from pupils' learning, there is a potential for personal items to be misplaced. Please be aware that any lost toys, collectible cards or other play items are beyond the responsibility of the school.


Children can wear watches to school but the wearing of jewellery and earrings of all types is not permitted on safety grounds.  Any child wearing earrings to school will be asked to remove them.  If they are unable to remove them they will be required to stay inside during break and lunch times and will not be able to participate in any PE or physical activities. 

Smart Watches

Fitness trackers without smart watch capability are permitted but St Andrew’s and St Mark’s accept no responsibility for the loss or damage of these items. Smart watches , including iWatches- are not permitted due to their messaging capabilities. 

Lost Property

Please remember to label your child’s uniform, lunch box and water bottle.  All named lost property will be returned to your child by the next school day.  Unlabelled property will be kept for one week only in the school office. 


Road safety for children

If your child walks to school on their own, it is important they know how to cross roads, including  zebra crossings safely. Please click here for more information about Road Safety for children.


Unwell and absent children 

If your child is unwell and absent from school please contact the school office before 10am. If you need to leave a message on the answerphone please explain the symptoms of your child’s illness. Siblings of unwell children should attend school.