Newsletter 1 Autumn Term

5th September 2023

St Andrew’s and St Mark’s 

Church of England Junior School

“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.” John 10:10 

-School News- 

Our Instagram feed displays photos of school events. Click or tap on a photo to find out more:

If you would like your child to have the opportunity to be featured on our Instagram page, please update the parental consent on the SIMs Parent App and ensure permission to be posted on social media is ticked.

Message from the Headteacher

Whether you are a new face or an old hand, welcome to SASM! It has been a joy to see our school community back together today.

In our school, we believe that teaching our 12 Christian values (shown in the hexagon) are as important as pupils' academic study. Without these values, we cannot succeed as citizens or lifelong learners. Our Christian values are the bedrock of our school and we have restructured our school rewards this year to reflect this - look out for more details in this newsletter.

One value is the focus of collective worship each half term. This year, we are beginning with respect. Using learning from the Bible to inspire us, we will be looking at the importance of celebrating and respecting differences, being courteous to others and the importance of self control. More information about our Christian values can be found on our website.

As the year gets underway, we are all getting settled into learning once more. There are a few updates and notices to share with you this week, which can be found below.

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Following news reports of a number of schools being closed due to the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), we would like to reassure you that we have received confirmation from Southwark Diocese that SASM does not have any RAAC in its buildings. 

We need 2 emergency contacts for every child

This week, you will be invited to join or refresh your details for our SIMS Parent App. The app allows you to submit changes to your child's profile, such as contact details and permissions for photos. It is vital that you submit 2 contacts for your child so that we are able to contact someone in case of an emergency. Please make sure you submit your photo permissions to enable your child's photo to be used in our displays, newsletters and social media.

Warm weather this week

Temperatures this week are due to exceed 30 degrees.  We encourage children playing outdoors to stay in the shade as much as possible and wear sun hats with wide brims to avoid sunburn. Please do make sure your child has a water bottle (each classroom has access to a water tap and there is a fountain in the playground) and we encourage pupils to drink more water than usual when conditions are hot.

We also encourage suncream with high sun protection factors (at least SPF15) to protect skin. Whilst we remind pupils to apply this, they must put it on themselves. There is some ambiguity about whether Nivea-branded suncream may be harmful to nut allergy sufferers. Therefore we would advise parents/carers not to use this brand for pupils when at school, please follow this link for further details.  

Book bands and getting your child reading

Academic research tells us that reading for pleasure is a huge indicator of future success. Are part of our home learning expectations, each child should write in their planner a comment about what they are reading each day. 

This week, new pupils will be assigned a book band with an appropriate level of challenge and will be provided with a school reading book. The image explains the book banding system, which is based on our teacher assessment. As the year progresses our termly summative assessments help inform our book banding. 

Pupils who are receiving Read, Write, Inc phonics intervention support will receive a reading book linked to the scheme.

Nut and Seed free school and healthy break time snacks

As a healthy school, pupils' daily snacks should be full of goodness to keep children full until lunch. Suitable snacks include:

We will not permit pupils to have cereal bars, biscuits, cookies, cakes, flapjacks, 'lunchbox' chocolate or crisps as break time snacks. Please see our webpage for more information. 

We are a nut and seed free school, with pupils who have sensitive and significant airborne nut allergies. It is critical that children are not sent to school with any nut and seed based products.

Pupil Premimum Grants

For the first time, all pupils at SASM are entitled to receive a free school lunch. To enable your child to access this, you must book your child's lunch via 

If you were previously eligible for means tested free school meals or are in receipt of any of the following benefits...  

...your child maybe eligible for a Pupil Premium Grant. This will gives your child access to: 

This gives your child access to:

... and much more!

In order to make this possible, our school receives funding for every pupil signed up. If you think you might be eligible please sign up as soon as possible here.

Please contact the school office if you have any issues with activating an account.   

A 'new-look' School Parliament

Having the opportunity to develop leadership and oracy skills is an important part of becoming a lifelong learner. This year, we have expanded our School Parliament to include 5 pupils from each class, one pupil for each of our parliamentary committees, which include:

Your children will be introduced to the different roles this week and every child will choose one role they would like to run for. They will be given time to write speeches and practise them (even children who have previously been an MP can run again!)

Over the next 2 weeks, pupils will deliver their speeches to their class, who will vote for them using a Google Form. Each person's vote is private.

Changes to school rewards

After reviewing feedback from across our school community, we have a new system for school rewards this year. As a result, we no longer have houses nor housepoints at SASM. This, along with our old system of VIPs, has been replaced with our new school reward system: Christian Value Points (CVPs). 

What are Christian Value Points (CVPs)?

Pupils can be awarded a CVP by any member of school staff for displaying one of our 12 Christian Values, which they will post in their class box. Each week our Faith and Learning MPs will log the CVPs collected in each class. 

What are CVPs replacing?

This year, there will be no houses, house points or VIPs at SASM. 

What will my child receive for earning CVPs?

Across the academic year, pupils' CVPs will begin to add up. When a child reaches each of the following milestones, their achievement will be logged (parents and carers can view this on the SIMS Parent App):

Which other rewards are available at SASM?

Pupils will still be awarded:

Home learning 

This year, our home learning will be issued each Monday and will be due the following Monday. All pupils follow the same schedule of weekly learning:

In addition, pupils are expected to read daily and record this in their planner. TTRockstars is also available for regular practice as pupils work towards their Gold Star Badge. However, there are no 'lessons' set on TTRockstars. 

Pupils' login information will be added to the front pages of their planner. Our first home learning tasks will be set on Monday 11th September.

Our school gates close at 8:45am

The school gate on Maple Road opens at 8:30am and closes promptly at 8:45am, when registration begins. If pupils are late to school, they must arrive via the school office and log the reason for being late to school. 

Clubs and Wrap-Around Care

We have a fantastic offer of after-school clubs, Breakfast Club and After-School Care. On Friday, our club offer for the Autumn Term will be sent via ParentMail. Please remember to book your child into Breakfast Club and After-School Care in advance of them attending.

-This Week's Notices- 

Measles cases are rising in London. Make sure your child is up to date with their Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccinations

The Local Authority and NHS are urging parents to check that their children are fully vaccinated with two MMR doses by checking their red book or with their GP practice. Anyone not up-to-date should make an appointment with their GP to receive vaccination as soon as possible. 

Routine vaccinations are free and an appointment can be made with your GP to catch up on any that have been missed. For more information visit:

If you would like more information on MMR vaccination, the NHS in South West London are hosting a webinar aimed at South West London parents. The online MMR webinar is taking place on Wednesday 13 th September, 6-7:30pm. This webinar will provide you with information about the MMR vaccine. You will also have the opportunity to get your questions answered by local healthcare professionals. The webinar is free to join. You can book your place by visiting: 

Measles is a highly contagious illness that can lead to serious and, on rare occasions, fatal complications. 

Anyone with symptoms that could be measles is advised to stay at home and phone their GP or NHS 111 for advice, rather than visiting their GP surgery or A&E. 

Find out more about MMR vaccination on the NHS website

Click here for more information: 

                                                        -Repeat notices-

Safer Schools App

We would encourage all parents/carers to download the Safer Schools app for free push notifications about online safety and helpful advice. You can download the app using the instructions here. 

Do you have concerns about a child?

Adults - you can contact the Single Point of Access to request support, or to report a concern about a child or young person. Click here to make a referral.  You can also call for advice. Opening hours: From 8am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Friday call 020 8547 5008  (Out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000). If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999. Referrals are not limited to safeguarding: the Single Point of Access acts as a signposting service to other services, including mental health. Matt Gates is our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

-What's New? Community Groups-

Click the 'Community Groups' button to see all community notices:

-School reminders-

Insect bites and pollen count

As we enjoy the warmer, more of our pupils are wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts. This coincides with an increase in the bug population. Whilst we always monitor our school site with regular health and safety checks, our playground is outdoors.  Pupils will spend more time outside, both when at school and away from school.  Preventative  measures that can be taken at school and elsewhere is to cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeved shirts and long trousers, as well as reminding children to be careful around flowering plants. Similarly, the pollen count is set to increase, particularly for grass, triggering some allergies. 

Here is some more information from the NHS about insect bites and hayfever:  and 

Summer uniform

From now until the end of the October half term, pupils may come to school in their summer uniform, which includes a white long/short sleeved school shirt or blouse, white polo shirt or red checked dress. 

For further information regarding our school uniform please follow this link to our school website  and our school uniform supplier.  


Alternatively, is a second hand uniform sale in the office foyer


Children can wear watches to school but the wearing of jewellery and earrings of all types is not permitted on safety grounds.  Any child wearing earrings to school will be asked to remove them.  If they are unable to remove them they will be required to stay inside during break and lunch times and will not be able to participate in any PE or physical activities. 

Hair and shoes!  

Please remember that all shoulder length hair needs to be tied back for school, even on mufti days. Having your child’s hair tied back, is one of the most effective ways of keeping the nits and lice at bay.  With the hair tied back, it makes it more difficult for the lice to hold on to  the hair. Please note that pupils are required to wear black shoes  (no trainers, boots or footwear displaying a logo).

Smart Watches

Fitness trackers without smart watch capability are permitted but St Andrew’s and St Mark’s accept no responsibility for the loss or damage of these items. Smart watches , including iWatches- are not permitted due to their messaging capabilities. 

Lost Property

Please remember to label your child’s uniform, lunch box and water bottle.  All named lost property will be returned to your child by the next school day.  Unlabelled property will be kept for one week only in the school office. 


Road safety for children

If your child walks to school on their own, it is important they know how to cross roads, including  zebra crossings safely. Please click here for more information about Road Safety for children.


Unwell and absent children 

If your child is unwell and absent from school please contact the school office before 10am. If you need to leave a message on the answerphone please explain the symptoms of your child’s illness. Siblings of unwell children should attend school.

Diarrhoea and vomiting 

PHE recommends that children are kept off school until 48 hours after the last symptoms have passed. Whilst this is not enforced by us it is responsible practice by parents/carers.