Collegiate Committee Spirit Award

Sometimes, closings are as exciting as beginnings, as was the case for Swetha at what would be her last West Regional Conference this past February with her SASE West Team. “Being together with some of my best friends, seeing one of our chapters host an amazing conference, and passing on the Regional Manager role to Katelynn was a really happy way to slowly bring my chapter as a national volunteer for SASE to a close while celebrating with my West Team family,” she said. “It’s amazing how many unique people you can meet through SASE that you never would’ve met otherwise - I’ve met some of the people I’m closest to in my life through SASE, either in college or through being a national volunteer, and I wouldn’t trade those people and experiences for anything!” 

Looking back, her advice for incoming members is perhaps not surprising: Always talk to as many people as you can, because you never know who could be your new best friend. Take every opportunity to interact with people you’ve never met before.