Computation lab

Global nonlinear solutions for the business cycle models

This space is for sharing codes to solve various business cycle (DSGE) models using the repeated transition method.
The codes will be constantly updated, and your contribution is welcome.
When you use the following codes for your works, please cite my paper,
"A Dynamically Consistent Global Nonlinear Solution Method in the Sequence Space and Applications." [link for the main repository]

Representative-agent models

A Plain-vanilla RBC model [link]

An RBC model with Frisch labor supply [link]

An RBC model with asset price [link]

An RBC model with irreversible investment [link]

An RBC model with irreversible investment and Frisch labor supply [link]

An RBC model with asset price and irreversible investment [link]

An RBC model with asset price, irreversible investment, and Frisch labor supply [link]

An RBC model with asset price, convex adjustment cost, and two aggregate shocks [link]

[Coming soon] A plain-vanilla DMP model (Lee, Zanetti, and Schnattinger, 2024)

[Coming soon] A plain-vanilla Calvo pricing New Keynesian model (Lee and Nomura, 2024)

Heterogeneous-agent models

A heterogeneous-firm RBC model with irreversible investment [link]

Krusell and Smith (1998) [link]

Krusell and Smith (1998) with endogenous labor supply [link]

Krusell and Smith (1998) with endogenous labor supply (Frisch elasticity) [link]

Krusell and Smith (1998) with endogenous labor supply and an uncertainty shock (Krusell and Smith (1998) meets Bloom et al., (2018)) [link]

Khan and Thomas (2008) [link]

Khan and Thomas (2008) with a convex adjustment cost [link]