About the authors

Anjali Mehta

Anjali has been using writing as her safe haven since she was a little girl. Her journal was like her second home, a place for laughter and tears. Although she still enjoys journalling, Anjali now takes an interest in creative writing. Other than this, she enjoys practicing yoga and meditation, and takes an interest in clinical psychology which she would like to pursue in the future. She is also a major foodie and enjoys traveling.

Ishan Modi

Ishan is a high school senior at the Singapore American School. Hailing from a family of authors, he has been writing stories since early childhood, from poems to comic books to novellas. In his spare time, he is a passionate filmmaker, with his works recognized at numerous prestigious film festivals across the globe. He hopes to continue his work in both artistic and promotional videography.

Kayleen Bettencourt

Kayleen has been filling notebooks for as long as her handwriting has been legible. Growing up in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kayleen picked up the habit of people and culture watching. One of her passions is making the intangible tangible via polaroids and disposable cameras. When she’s not looking for white space on her bedroom walls to hang up photos, you can find her meticulously drafting playlists or documenting sunsets—likely wearing mom jeans or dungarees, mumbling to herself in one language or another.

Allison sommer

Allison is from the United States, and has been writing short creative nonfiction stories since her freshman year of high school. Aside from writing, she enjoys underwater photography, hiking, scuba diving, and eating guacamole. Next year, she will be attending the University of Hawaii in Manoa where she will be studying marine biology.

Aidan fry

Aidan was born in America to a New Zealander father and a Filipino mother, but has lived in Southeast Asia for the majority of his life. He has been writing stories in his spare time ever since he was young, inspired by success in English class, but only started taking it seriously in 9th grade. He enjoys writing realistic fiction short stories, and occasionally magical realism. When not writing, he enjoys listening to music from a wide variety of genres, reading, and playing golf.

Faisal halabeya

Faisal is half Finnish, half Palestinian and has lived in Singapore since he was five. He enjoys, exploring fractal geometry, skiing, sushi, watching strange Physics documentaries, and a good cup of coffee in the morning and chamomile tea before bed. Faisal has been writing since he could first fold A4 sheets in half to make them look like books, and enjoys listening to music for creative inspiration while he drafts.

Clara granados borreguero

Clara was born in Madrid, Spain and lived there until she was nine years old. Raised speaking only Spanish, she moved to Florida where she picked up English as her second language. In 2013, she moved to Singapore where she lives now. Whether it was writing letters to send to her grandfather every month or filling journals since she was five years old, writing has always formed a part of her life. In her free time she enjoys taking photos and spending time with her friends, family, and dog.

Aaron graybill

Aaron grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, and became a cultural sponge when he moved to Singapore. Aaron plays an eclectic and poorly-executed fusion of jazz and Spanish guitar. After college, he hopes to work in economic development in West Africa and hear some good music along the way. When Aaron isn’t reading random Wikipedia articles, he can be found reading about the world music band he is currently listening to. Aaron enjoys hand-writing letters and sealing the envelopes with wax.

Victoria yang

Victoria was born in California but has been living in Singapore her whole life. She likes to write about nearly anything but usually writes about her family if it works with the topic. Her hobbies include casual gaming, reading, and horseback riding.

Aryan varma

Aryan is a junior at the Singapore American School. He has lived in five countries and attended seven schools. Varma enjoys writing, both creative and journalistic. He is also a dedicated cinephile and is recognized by several for his insight into the history of film. Some of his favorite films are Luis Buñuel's Un Chien Andalou, Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.

Felicia tejawinata

Felicia was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she was nearly switched at birth. She later moved to (and grew up in) Japan and Singapore. She has been writing poetry and short stories for as long as she can remember. In her free time, she enjoys practicing taekwondo, listening to EDM, and overusing her Foodpanda account.

Siobhan spillane

Siobhan grew up in sunny California, where she discovered her first love: reading. She began writing in 4th grade when she moved to Tokyo, Japan. She lives in Singapore now, but her love of writing has followed her across the world. When she isn’t writing fantasy stories that she never shows anyone, she likes to sail, run, sing, and marathon old Star Trek episodes. She’s been to dozens of countries, fueled by her wanderlust and passion for adventure, and one of her favorites is her home country of New Zealand.

Lara O'brien

Lara is a junior at Singapore American school, a self-proclaimed cryptid, an unapologetic dreamer and a chronic insomniac. She has been writing since she first learned to hold a pen, and spends her free time sketching, reading, and making plans for world domination.

Lukas daniel-pedersen

Lukas has been "really in for it this time," several times. Luckily, he's usually "in for it" for a silly reason, so at least once he's done being "in for it" he can write it all down and people will laugh about it. He is also co-president of the Creative Writing Club, which is a title he acquired (in his own poeticized version of events) through political subterfuge.

Shyla Bector

Shyla grew up in four different cities on three different continents. She has dabbled in creative writing since she was a child, and enjoys reading fantasy fiction, traveling, and being in the company of friends and family. She has written a novella inspired by true events and hopes to continue writing in the future.

Aditya bharadwaj

Aditya hails from the land of good food and even better music: Austin, Texas. He likes to write about issues that matter to him, such as the moral foundations of politics and behavioral economics, and also creative nonfiction. You can find Adi watching sports in the library during his free, harassing his brother to play video games with him, or playing a game of pick-up basketball on the weekends.

Anna Bierley

Anna was born in the U.S., but has lived in Singapore most of her life. She started writing dystopian and fantasy stories in the third grade, along with poems and argumentative essays. Outside of writing, her hobbies include swimming and photography.

Greer mORGAN DonNallEy

Greer is a senior at Singapore American School. She grew up in Texas, but has lived abroad in Japan and Singapore for the past 6 years. She’s been writing and reading for as long as she can remember, and recently published a children's story cookbook as part of a project. Greer enjoys coffee, baked goods, and crocheting. Although she's 18, her soul is closer to the age of 80.

Katherine enright

Kathy has been writing sporadically since she was old enough to scrawl. She considers the streets of Singapore home, at least for now. In between Bharatanatyam and band rehearsals, she explores culture and identity through writing. In her free time she enjoys listening to Mahler, eating mangos, and exploring Singapore's mangroves.

George eppel

George started writing with his older brother before they even started school. His first anthology, "Stories of George and Louis", featured anecdotes about turtles who fell in love with young girls and illustrations drawn by George himself in Crayola marker. George is very excited to finally be part of a published book with more professional artwork and literature. He plays the piano and cello, collects orchids and postage stamps, and watches superhero movies and romantic comedies in his spare time.

Bobby Fuller

Bobby grew up moving around the US every couple years, until he eventually wound up in Southeast Asia. He wrote his first book with crayon on construction paper, and since then his work has only gone downhill. Beyond writing, reading, and acting, he spends a lot of time sitting around his house, eating, and trying to come up with a better ending to his author bio.

Jack Gan

Jack was diagnosed with Dyslexia around the age of ten. Prior to this, he coped with his English tutors by writing down "NO" everytime he was asked to spell anything longer than four letters. He was whisked out of the path of illiteracy when his cousin recommended to him Christopher Paolini's Eragon, which he read religiously both in the middle of classes and late into the night until the sun started to rise. This evolved into his highest record in reading, which he claims to be three hundred novels in half a year, and his desire to become a novelist.

Aryaman Gulati

Aryaman is a senior at the Singapore American School. He has enjoyed writing since he was a child, and has since developed a fondness for composing short-stories and memoirs. He is skeptical of how present technological advancements will shape his future. In his spare time, Aryaman can be found passionately discussing economics and mathematics, scrutinising Arsenal Football Club, or playing tennis.

Alana moshay

Alana was born in the U.S., but has been living in Singapore for the past four years. As a young child, her parents noticed her imaginative mind and encouraged her to put those thoughts on paper. She has not stopped writing since then. When not writing, Alana enjoys giving back to the community, orchestra, traveling, and looking at Daquan memes.