About Us

The StressBusters!

Kush and Kayshav Bhardwaj are twins and high school seniors who decided to learn Swift during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. They love to create apps and play board games with each other.

During school, when they got stressed, they would often play around with bubble wrap. Once they learned Swift, they realized that they can create an app to help people around the world deal with stress. They immediately thought of bubble wrap, producing the game, Bubble Wrap Zap!

Later on, while looking for another idea, they noticed someone blowing bubbles in the park. They remembered the fun of popping floating soap bubbles when they were younger. Soon, when they found themselves exploring the concepts of Augmented Reality (AR, for short), they took their fond memories and put them into their second app, Floating Point Bubbles AR. 

After the successes of these two apps, they continued collaborating to create two more apps!